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Blackface Follies – All the Rage

Those zany, fun-loving, tolerant, baby-killing liberals are raising the bar on hypocrisy once again. That’s right, another leftist almost-celebrity has been caught wearing a darker shade of pale as a whimsical Halloween costume.

Joy Behar, whose venom spews against President Trump daily on the daytime talk show circuit, is now facing questions about her own simulacrum of a black person. In all the hullabaloo of Virginia’s blackface scandal, which includes the governor and attorney general, a photo emerged of Behar in better days dressed as an African woman – yes, with blackish face makeup.

Yeah, this situation is downright ironic.

Joy Behar

The View from a Different Angle

During a 2016 segment of the grating, nails-on-chalkboard chat show, the subject of curly hair arose and with it a photo of co-host Behar costumed in stereotypical black American attire complete with dark make-up and short, tightly curled hair.

Will this mark the end of Behar’s television career, or will the photo be brushed under the carpet after she submits to the required apology? Generally, it appears such condemnation only arises against Republicans or conservative minded people. Liberals and their ilk have gotten away with all forms of racism, time and again, without repercussion.

Behar jokingly explained she was wearing foundation “a little bit darker than my skin.” Social media went bat crap crazy and ABC of course immediately fired Behar. Oh, wait, nope, that was Roseanne Barr for cracking an ugly joke about Obama flunky Valerie Jarrett that was deemed racist. And, of course, Bill Maher was axed by HBO last year after he claimed he was “a house n***er” to guest Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) – no, no, he is still railing against white supremacy without a scratch.

But NBC took Megyn Kelly out at the knees, with a handsome $69 million payout, for discussing the taboo topic and stating, “You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.”

Oh, the horror! Perhaps NBC was waiting for the right situation to be rid of Kelly and blackface was just the easiest ticket to punch.

Neither Behar nor ABC has made any statements as of yet. Imagine that.

Know Your Blackface Audience

[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…seeding the destruction of the left.[/perfectpullquote] The history of blackface predates the American Civil War by 40 years, having begun as a genre of entertainment. They were called minstrel performances, featuring white people dressed as black folks performing skits often portraying their characters as stupid, lazy, and violent. Monica Tetzlaff, an associate professor of history at Indiana University South Bend, explains that minstrel shows and early cinema promoted the stereotype, influencing the way many white people formed their ideas of blackness.

Tetzlaff recognizes that blackface was all but dead in the public eye after the civil rights movement of the 1960s, as it came to be commonly accepted as an offensive form of expression. Then along came social media and its ever-ready, instant Karma, and the feculence hit the proverbial fan:

“In the 80s a yearbook was only seen by a very small in-group which would have very few people. Whereas now if a photo is on social media, the whole world can see it. And we are much more aware of something like that and it makes a greater impact.”

However, it appears that the “greater impact” only applies to one side of the political aisle. Democrats are failing to hold members of their own party accountable for sins of the past while gleefully vilifying any Republican who has put a foot wrong. It is the blind hypocrisy of those who continue to judge others by a standard they are unwilling or unable to apply to themselves that is seeding the destruction of the left.

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