New and improved technologies are solving decades-old criminal cold cases. Sometimes innocent people, initially...
Caroline Adana
Is CRT Anti-White?
A growing number of people are starting to view Critical Race Theory (CRT) as not merely racist but specifically...
What Enemies Think About the United States
When Osama bin Laden used civilian airplanes as missiles in the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil, he...
Climates Change – Hurricanes Stay the Same
Tropical storm Ida has finally given the doom groomers cause for cheering. A prominent Washington newspaper wrote...
Homeschooling Surges in Response to CRT and COVID Mandates
As states locked down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many kids were unable to attend school. Initially, there was...
Mohammed bin Salman: Saudi Reformer of Islam?
In the U.S., Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia is perhaps most notoriously known for his...
Climate Change: Damned if We Do, Doomed if We Don’t?
The latest U.N. climate change assessment report, AR6, paints a gloomy picture of the future and has been...
UN Report Shows Lockdowns Created a Massive World Hunger Crisis
According to the annual U.N. report “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World,” between 118 million...
The Other Side of Climate Change You’ll Never See in the Media
Danish academic Dr. Bjørn Lomborg is known for his cool-headed and objective approach to environmental issues. In...