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AG Garland Targets Parents Over School Indoctrination Concerns

In Biden's America, the response to education protests is the FBI.

With the rise in perceived indoctrination in American education, protests against school boards have seen a marked increase. Whether it is parents angrily complaining in open sessions or marches outside school buildings, mothers and fathers are demanding that teachers drop the politicized nature of schooling and get back to the basics. But for the Biden administration, this demand deserves a severe response.

New banner Viewpoint with eyeOn Monday, October 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to “discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend.” “Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” Garland wrote in a Justice Department news release. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

School Board Pressure

This decision to set the FBI on parents comes at the behest of the National School Boards Association. The group pushed President Biden to grant federal assistance to determine whether threats made against board members could be deemed a form of “domestic terrorism” and a “hate crime.”

“America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat,” the group wrote in a letter to the president. It continued, “These threats and acts of violence are affecting our nation’s democracy at the very foundational levels, causing school board members – many who are not paid – to resign immediately and/or discontinue their service after their respective terms.”

In his release, AG Garland appeared to be addressing the group’s concerns directly. He wrote, “The Department takes these incidents seriously and is committed to using its authority and resources to discourage these threats, identify them when they occur, and prosecute them when appropriate.”

On the rare occasions when any actual violence does occur, law enforcement intervenes, and – as Garland states – the wrongdoers are prosecuted. So why is there a need to tar all those who legitimately protest as dangerous enemies who require an FBI assessment?

Automatic Terror Suspects?

What is pushing the narrative to treat parents – the vast majority of whom engage in little more than shouting during protests – as akin to domestic terrorists? It seems that there is a push from Democrat-led media organs to identify the protestors as crazed insurrectionists. According to DemCast – a media organ consisting of political organizers and activists – these parents are a real and present danger. The outlet writes:

“Recently in the Scottsdale and Litchfield Park school districts, local insurrectionists engaged in shouting matches with elected school board members, attempted to seat rogue board members and threatened violence. Such efforts will likely soon be coming to other school boards since these people are following the script of nationalists and white supremacists who attacked the federal government, and democracy itself, on Jan. 6.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland Announces Civil Enforcement Action

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

So, according to the self-styled “digital hub of the left,” words are violence, and the actions of the parents are that of white supremacists. This is the narrative being pushed internally and likely why Garland wants the FBI involved.

Good For Me, But Not For Thee

While AG Garland and President Biden may consider heavy-handed tactics against those who want to make their opinion heard as fair play, this disposition apparently doesn’t extend to those critical of the president’s agenda. As the $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill hangs in the balance courtesy of recalcitrant Democrats Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), the two hold-outs have been subjected to abuse from activists demanding they fall in line.

Manchin was harassed on his houseboat by kayakers keen to send a message that he had better drop his opposition and support the monumental spending plan. But for Sinema, the targeted harassment was even worse. As she was teaching a class at Arizona State University, protestors entered the campus and followed her into the bathroom – while recording with two cameras – demanding she support the Biden agenda.

The president’s response was perhaps less than comforting for lawmakers who disagree with their party’s plans. He said, “I don’t think they’re appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody … it’s part of the process.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki reiterated Biden’s stance saying that the president “stands by the right” of people to protest.

Apparently, it is not “part of the process” for parents concerned about political indoctrination taking place in schools across the country. To defend harassment against one group while brushing aside that against others is more than just hypocrisy; it is – in this form – the weaponization and politicization of government agencies against the American public.

Is this also “part of the process”?

Read more from Mark Angelides.

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