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SAY WHAT? It’s All Trump’s Fault

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Columns, Politics, The Left

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.  Here is the latest episode:

Tim Donner: Longtime criminal Cesar Sayoc Jr., 56, is in the hands of federal law enforcement officials after being arrested in Florida in connection with the bombs sent to multiple Democrats and harsh critics of President Trump. Sayoc has a lengthy criminal history in Florida dating back to 1991 that includes felony theft, drug, fraud charges, and accusations of threatening to use a bomb on a previous occasion.

Cesar Sayoc Jr.

The whole thing seems to make little sense. Few, if any, of the bombs appeared capable of detonating. They were all sent from the same area, making them relatively easy to track. Sayoc was apparently driving around conspicuously in a van plastered with attention-getting political bumper stickers, so it’s almost as if he planned to be arrested or expected to be arrested. But well before Mr. Sayoc was captured, longtime Hillary Clinton operative Philippe Reines went on CNN, of course, and said we all know who’s ultimately responsible for this.

Philippe Reines: I think you have to ask how much Donald Trump is responsible for the climate that we’re in where things like this happen.

Tim: It is notable that when an avowed Democrat shot Republican congressman Steve Scalise and almost killed him, Republicans resisted the urge to blame leftist rhetoric and violence. Do not expect the Democrats to do the same, given their almost pathological hatred of President Trump and midterm elections being just a week away.

Meanwhile, amidst all the usual histrionics of the silly season leading up to the elections, magnified, of course, in the Donald Trump era, NBC and The Wall Street Journal released what amounts to something of a shock poll showing President Trump’s approval number reaching its high water mark, 47%. The Trump-deranged talking heads on Morning Joe on MSNBC, owned, of course, by NBC, reacted as you would expect members living in the detached bubble of the leftist establishment media to react, with disbelief and attacks on those supporting Trump. Here are Mika Brzezinski and Mike Barnicle.

Mika Brzezinski: Think about that. Nearly half of the people in this country approve of the job this man is doing even after Charlottesville, porn stars, his humiliation in Helsinki, bowing to Kim Jong-un, ripping babies from their mothers, calling Hispanics “breeders,” destroying America’s most critical alliances, and bankrupting our county, and we could go on.

Mike Barnicle: I would submit that the acceptance of a deeply, deeply, deeply dishonest president, the acceptance of that among people is the single most important issue of our day.

Tim: It’s as if nobody even voted for Trump. How could they? But if they did, they’re now once again being given the same deplorable label by the elite media that probably cemented Hillary Clinton’s decline into oblivion. It’s as if the media and their cohorts on the left learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election and are intent on using the same failed tactics again to try to win control of Congress this year.

But plenty more examples. After President Trump called himself a nationalist at a rally for Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas, Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC said what Trump meant is white nationalist, i.e., Nazi.

Lawrence O’Donnell

Lawrence O’Donnell: He knows that in America, the word nationalist usually follows the word white. When Donald Trump uses that word, he wants you to hear it as racist so that you will express your outrage at Donald Trump’s racism and that will actually clarify, help clarify, for Donald Trump’s followers, the racists among Donald Trump’s followers, that he does really mean that as a racist message. That is Donald Trump’s way of saying, “I am a white nationalist.”

Tim: So Lawrence O’Donnell has favored us with the real interpretation of the word nationalist because he knows better than the president himself what the president meant to say. So to reiterate how it works, Trump says he’s a nationalist, Lawrence O’Donnell and his left-wing cohorts condemn Trump for an America-first policy, and that’s a dog whistle to Trump’s racist supporters that, fear not, their guy really is the racist they expect him to be. You see how that works?

But that wasn’t the end of it, of course. Here’s the infamous grandstanding White House correspondent on CNN, Jim Acosta, in a statement to the president disguised as usual as a question, and then his remarks later that day.

Jim Acosta: Mr. President, just to follow up on your comments about being a nationalist, there is a concern that you are saying coded language or a dog whistle to some Americans out there that what you really mean is that you’re a white nationalist …. When you’re demonizing immigrants, migrants, coming up from Central America, trying to make their way to the United States and apply for asylum, when you’re demonizing Middle Easterners and making the suggestion that there are terrorists and so on in that caravan without offering any proof, and then calling yourself a nationalist in front of thousands and thousands of people, I don’t think it’s a stretch for a lot of Americans out there to wonder whether or not the president is secretly considering himself a white nationalist.

Tim: So, of course, Acosta and his fellow travelers in the virulently anti-Trump media are taking it as an article of faith that all the people in that caravan are pure as the driven snow. But listen carefully to Jorge Ramos of Univision, foremost advocate for the rights of illegal immigrants, as much as admitting that there are criminals in that caravan.

Jorge Ramos

Jorge Ramos: None of them have been in the United States before, so some of them, yes, have been deported. But the majority not …. The vast majority of these people are not criminals. They’re not terrorists. And they’re not even immigrants. They’re refugees. We cannot prejudge them. We cannot say all of them are criminals.

Tim: Did you hear that? Some of them were deported by their countries. Not all of them are criminals. That’s essentially proof positive that Trump is correct when he says there are bad people in that caravan.

Now, since the alleged perpetrator of bomb-gate, Cesar Sayoc Jr., is a Republican, Democrats can now position Trump supporters and conservatives in general as just as crazy as them. In a very revealing ad, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, who’s in one of the tightest races in these midterms, as much as admitted that the Democrats have gotten crazy.

Ad Voice: I don’t always agree with Claire McCaskill, but she works hard fighting against those tariffs, doing all those town halls. Claire’s not afraid to stand up against her own party. Yup. And Claire’s not one of those crazy Democrats. She works right in the middle and finds compromise.

Tim: Now Republicans have fully exploited that craziness of the left in an ad laying out all the reasons not to vote Democrat.

Ad Voice: The screaming, the violence, the smears, and death threats. The far left moving to socialism. Undefended, open borders. Immediate tax increases. One hundred percent government-run health care. The booming economy, stopped. Nancy Pelosi back in power, gridlock, and then impeachment. Is that really what you want? Voting for any Democrat gets you all of that. Future 45 is responsible for the content of this advertising. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]I’m proud to officially endorse Earth for Congress.[/perfectpullquote]

Tim: But as ads go, the craziest one of them all had to be this one. I was trolling for ads on the Internet and watched this one like three times to be sure I was actually seeing and hearing it correctly. It’s Al Gore promoting a … congressional candidate. 

Al Gore: She’s smart, tenacious, and she’s ready to create a healthier world for us all. She’s got terrific expertise in clean energy, and her platform for reducing carbon emissions is strong and achievable. That’s why today I’m proud to officially endorse Earth for Congress.

Earth: I’m Earth, and I approve this message.

Tim: Now, folks, Earth is a penguin. Let me say that again. Al Gore did a political ad for a penguin. Seriously. I will leave it to you to decide if this is really clever or a sign that the former vice president and environmental activist has lost his marbles.

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