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United Nations Day 2018 Should Be the Last

by | Oct 24, 2018 | Articles

Like a child in December waiting for Christmas to finally arrive, millions of sovereign nation-hating globalists, big government bureaucrats, and corrupt foreign leaders anticipate United Nations Day with bated breath. To celebrate the anniversary of the UN Charter, every October 24 the international body informs the public of its objectives and achievements. Since the superfluous organization has accomplished very little since 1945, the festivities should last only a few seconds. The United Nations can then return to playing gin rummy and enriching senior officials.

An Atrocious Record

Most people cannot envision a world without the United Nations. Data show an overwhelming majority of Americans approve of the United Nations, think it is still needed today, and believe it is imperative for the United States to remain engaged and active. Seventy years of polling confirm steady UN approval in most founding nations.

UN supporters suppose World War III would commence, chaos would ensue, and warlords would rule the planet absent the institution. Even with the United Nations firmly ingrained in geopolitics, trouble is brewing in many pockets of the globe, warlords taking over parts of Africa and South America, and a Dr. Strangelove moment threatening to happen at any time.

When the second incarnation of the League of Nations was founded shortly after World War II, the UN’s objective was to “achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all.” Today, it boasts about maintaining international peace, protecting human rights, and delivering humanitarian aid.

The reality? Laughable. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…independent states raping and pillaging their people.[/perfectpullquote]

Military conflicts, the overthrow of governments, and regime changes persist everywhere. Human rights are nonexistent in the Arab world. There are open slave markets in Libya, as well as internment camps and rampant sexual abuse throughout the region. In addition, the United Nations has had its own accusations of violating human rights with a myriad of sex scandals. A large amount of money for humanitarian aid has been squandered  over the years because of venality, exploitation, and fraud by member nations and UN leaders and their families. UN estimates peg the rate of fraud at a conservative 30%.

We already have independent states raping and pillaging their people, literally and figuratively. We don’t need another layer of inept bureaucracy  to perform these odious acts.

You only need to mention oil-for-food, Rwanda, and the Killing Fields to show how the UN’s reputation has been besmirched through gross incompetence and graft. Unfortunately, these incidents fade from our historical consciousness, exacerbating the false sense of security and relevance that the banal United Nations elicits.

Paying for What?

In December 2017, the UN General Assembly approved a $5.4 billion budget for the biennium 2018-2019.

Despite the United States being mocked and lambasted by the United Nations on a regular basis, Washington’s obeisance continues, allocating a total of $8 billion in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions to the body and its affiliates every year. That’s a lot of money for nothing, especially when you consider that American taxpayers are on the hook for 22% of UN funding.

Why should someone from Biloxi, MS, living in a trailer park pay for the opulence, waste, and evil of some African dictator? It is Third World autocracies, starving and oppressing their people, that benefit the most from the United Nations, not families residing in Buford, WY.

In Raymond Chandler’s The High Window, the quintessential private detective, Philip Marlowe, says, “From 30 feet away she looked like a lot of class. From 10 feet away, she looked like something made up to be seen from 30 feet away.”

This is an apt description of the United Nations. From a distance, the organization is a repository for our desires for world peace. Upon closer inspection, it is a toxic wasteland where  too many unscrupulous, double-dealing, surreptitious civil servants gather to give the illusion that they’re aiming for world peace when in reality they’re trying to fatten their pockets or gain more power.

Rather than endure another year of expensive, mundane, and patronizing General Assembly meetings, where the United States gets blamed for all that troubles the globe, perhaps it is time to dissolve the organization or at least declare American independence from it. We would all be better off without the bloated and blameworthy institution on the East River in Manhattan. So let’s celebrate October 24, 2018, as the final United Nations Day. One can only dream.

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