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Drugs, Guns, and Slaves – Cartel Tunnels Thwart CA Border

Mexican authorities discovered a 627 foot-long tunnel that started in the Mexico town of Jacume and ran 336 feet into California. The tunnel was sophisticated, with a rail system running the entire length. Fortunately, it was discovered before the moles could break the surface into the United States.

“Sophisticated tunnels take a lot of time and money to make,” Border Patrol Agent Tekae Michael said. “When we find them, they’re a pretty big deal.”

The sophisticated tunnel was likely designed to smuggle drugs into the States. A solar panel system was included to power lighting and ventilation and it also had systems to pump out excess water. It was about 3 feet tall and 2-1/2 feet wide with the shaft at its entrance in Mexico about 31 feet deep. The shaft on the other end in California was only about 15 feet deep and hadn’t yet broken the surface before authorities found it and shut it down.

No arrests in either country have been made, but there is an ongoing investigation. Tunnels such as this are usually filled in after discovery to prevent others from using them.

The Left’s Backwards Thinking

Discovering and demolishing a tunnel such as this is a good thing, right? How many hundreds of pounds of drugs could have been brought into the U.S. had this gone unnoticed? It could have also been used for human trafficking and other nefarious deeds. But, the left doesn’t see it that way. Instead, they cry out for “open borders.”

In their mixed-up logic, if we had open borders then immigrants wouldn’t be forced to dig dangerous underground passages. Never mind that these tunnels would likely be used by drug dealers and cartels, the Trump Derangement Syndrome has blinded any lucidity or common sense.

They just don’t see that calling for open borders is like posting a sign that says “Open Season” for hunters. Sure, these tunnels are nothing new, but the ongoing effort to infiltrate America by drug cartels and illegal immigrants was made much easier with California’s sanctuary state law. It’s like painting a bullseye on every American, especially those living near the borders.

Those on the left will also say things like even if the border wall is built, it won’t prevent these types of tunnels from being dug. True, but it will cut down on the number of illegal aliens crossing on foot or swimming across rivers to enter the United States. A border wall is no different than an alarm on their vehicles, a fence around their backyard, a lock on the front door – its purpose is to protect the interior contents from unwanted visitors.

That is the same concept with the border wall. We need to protect our people and our land from those that seek to harm us. The purpose is not to keep out those that wish to legally cross and become citizens. Will a fence separating California from Mexico stop illegal immigration altogether? Of course not. But it will help. And, as the border wall serves its purpose of preventing and delaying illegal immigrants, law enforcement will have more time and resources to find and destroy additional smuggling passageways.

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