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Just Desserts for Brennan

by | Aug 19, 2018 | Articles, Deep State

President Trump recently revoked former CIA Director John Brennan’s top secret clearance. Of course, that sent off a firestorm on the left with allegations that Trump is trying to hide something.

Let’s address the elephant in the room. John Brennan is not a respected government official. He is not a grand American, regardless of what the media says about him. Brennan is nothing more than a political hack who should never have served in the Central Intelligence Agency, but former President Obama wanted his picks to be hard left-wingers.

When the left starts to make claims that the right is creating a distraction or being covert, then it is time to believe that something politically dangerous, or maybe even criminal, is about to be exposed.

Unspoken Politics

Since the election of Trump, Brennan has been on left-wing cable news channels giving monologues and on Twitter sending out cryptic messages about doomsday with a political twist. All the while, he has been privy to top-secret government information. Of course, everyone has a political leaning but those who are in high government positions should be mature enough and intellectually honest enough to ensure their ideology does not affect any decision making; Brennan is neither.

The September 11, 2012, terror attack on the American diplomatic compound at Benghazi, Libya, was tragic; four Americans lost their lives. However, the left seemed to care more about the political ramifications at the time, due to former President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign for November of the same year.

John Brennan was the CIA director at the time of the attack. He was given free rein to conduct operations in North Africa that were outside the scope of traditional CIA duties, after the takedown of Muammar Gaddafi.

Contractor Speaks

Kris Paronto is an American contractor who was on the ground the night of the thirteen-hour attack on the American compound. He responded to Brennan and accused him of covering up the true Benghazi story in an attempt to hide political malfeasance by Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Paronto and the other security personnel that survived the attack were made to sign non-disclosure agreements about the incident; he signed three. Why would this be done when Susan Rice told Americans that a YouTube video was the cause of the attack? Simple. The video narrative was a political lie, and that was not difficult to see through. Brennan admitted he knew about the paperwork.

This is about lies, political cover-ups, and spreading false narratives, three areas in which Brennan seems particularly adept. He is a political fixer who has deceived the American public at the behest of his political masters. The question remains as to whether he has used his security clearance to continue in this manner.

Obviously Political

Brennan’s justification for keeping his security clearance isn’t for national security. It is about politics. While having top-secret privilege, Brennan could still access inner government information legally, but now he can’t.

The left is not outraged because they care about national safety, their rabid attack stems from fear for the survival of the Democratic Party.

Brennan’s political worries caused him to lose control and become unhinged, and that plays in his opponents’ favor. More importantly, he has inadvertently started the debate around the question of why former officials still have top-secret security clearances after leaving their positions.

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