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The American Left Makes Socialism Great Again

by | Jul 11, 2018 | Narrated News, Politics

In a May 1948 speech, Winston Churchill had this to say about socialism: “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” Years later, legendary economist Thomas Sowell had another succinct explanation of the failed philosophy: “The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” These are sage words that are being ignored by today’s generation, who have been seduced by envy, anger, and odious and fatuous rhetoric.

History of Socialism in America

The U.S. has never been immune to the fatal disease known as socialism.

Over the last century, there have been widespread socialist movements, infiltrations in government, and obsequious commentary by the mainstream press: The Red Scare, the Popular Front, and the New Left. The 20th century was a key time for the socialist movement in America, and all that work may finally pay off in 2018 in the form of democratic socialism.

Its greatest success to date occurred in the 1930s.

As the National Socialists were acquiring power in Germany, socialism was seeping into the U.S. government, including the Roosevelt administration. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was heavily influenced by socialist policymakers to develop the New Deal, a Soviet Union-style program that reformed the character of the country forever. Price controls, social insurance, production quotas, confiscation of private property, and acreage allotments were all socialist delights that persist today.

Yet, there are calls for a new New Deal. But the U.S. can’t even afford the old New Deal.

Socialism Growing in America

The definition of socialism has ostensibly evolved—from nationalization of industry under a totalitarian regime to guaranteeing everyone free stuff through the electoral process—but it is still an iniquitous ideology that is gaining steam once again in the era of President Donald Trump. And this is a dangerous trend occurring in America.

Polls continually show that socialism is becoming more popular day by day, especially among millennials. The crucial 20-to-37 demographic isn’t demanding too much these days: only free healthcare, free abortions, free tuition, a guaranteed government job, free housing, free internet, free transportation, free childcare, and free money.

If you don’t believe that a single public official or political candidate would ever seriously propose these policy measures, then think again. The 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and the recent political ambitions of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all suggest that there is a strong supply of politicos to meet the demand of the something for nothing culture.

Socialists often tell two lies: it is not your fault that you are failing at life and you can be given something for nothing. Who wouldn’t want to believe this? If someone were to tell you that you are stuck living in your mother’s basement because of Gordon Gekko’s greed, then you’d at least be tempted to convince yourself that this is really the cause for your lack of success or ambition. Or, if someone stated that you are entitled to housing and tuition, then you’d want to believe that as well.

This has crossed over into the wacky arena of social justice. Black Lives Matter and MSNBC routinely propagandize to black people that they are impoverished because of white privilege, creating resentment in the black community and leading many Caucasians to feel guilty for their skin color. Again, why wouldn’t you want to believe that another ethnicity is the sole cause of your destitution?

But many of those today who shriek these ideas have gotten rich and powerful. Senator Sanders owns three properties (what happened to communal living?), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is worth nearly $4 million, Jeremy Corbyn has a few million dollars in the bank, and former French President Francois Hollande was one of the richest politicians in the country—he once famously said, “I don’t like the rich.”

How did these individuals become prosperous? They sold socialism using the capitalist system: selling books, investing in markets, and delivering speeches. You can’t begrudge Sanders or even former President Barack Obama for making tons of money railing against free markets; you can only point out the hypocrisy.

The Luxuries of Capitalism

In the end, capitalism affords us the opportunity to whine, gripe, and complain all day long. Because we are no longer worrying from one day to the next day about gathering food, spending several hours a day cleaning our shirts on a washboard, or dying of polio, we have the leisure time and luxury to showcase our hatred of capitalism.

We can wake up from our cozy beds, drive to the nearest Starbucks in our Teslas, purchase overpriced lattes, sit in a comfortable chair, use the store’s Wi-Fi, and tweet about how unfair, grotesque, and evil free market capitalism really is.

That’s life in a rich capitalist society. And we shouldn’t want it any other way.

Why do you think socialism is becoming popular? Let us know in the comments section!

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