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Campus Follies: Finding a Safe Space

by | Jun 18, 2018 | Columns, Narrated News

Universities across the U.S. have recently experienced an array of violent and utterly ridiculous acts.  Ranging from leftist students flinging feces and assaulting right-leaning colleagues to equating fashion with racism, many expensive institutes for higher education have become echo chambers for coddling the hypersensitive.  According to one professor, even basic facts may not be uttered on campus for fear of offending others.

Biology instructor at Evergreen University Bret Weinstein recently testified to Congress about the limits to free speech that currently prevail in the American college system.

The History

Weinstein arguing with students

As reported by Liberty Nation, Weinstein’s own workplace has experienced some of the worst outbreaks of violence. A tradition at Evergreen is to annually celebrate the “Day of Absence,” where students and faculty of color meet off campus for a day. However, last year, advisors decided that instead of minorities voluntarily choosing to leave, they would instead “invite” all white colleagues and faculty to depart the campus instead.

Dr. Weinstein refused their requests, asserting they were a “show of force and an act of oppression.”  As a result, some students labeled him a “racist,” and the institution fell into chaos. His opposition to the event led to radical leftists overtaking the school by barricading themselves in the library, spraying graffiti on buildings, assaulting colleagues, and taking professors hostage. Ultimately, officials closed the campus for days, and the school now suffers financial ruin.

Safe Spaces

During his meeting with Congress, Dr. Weinstein admitted that many American universities are fostering an echo chamber, where all who fail to comply with the far-left agenda are deemed “racist right-wingers.” He sympathizes with pupils who believe that what they are doing is for the progression of civil rights, but says that administrators and fellow professors are brainwashing them with the aim of power rather than progress.

When asked about the state of campus safe spaces, he said that free speech is limited.  One may not articulate facts, such as “Donald Trump is the president,” for fear of offending others. He also explained that the school curriculum limits classroom topics to politically correct content. Such restrictions prevent youth from reaching their intellectual potential and progressing society.  Dr. Weinstein asserted:

“Ultimately this is going to manifest in our competitiveness as a nation if we decide that there are certain things that are true in science that can’t be stated in a college classroom then our students will be under-educated relative to any nation that can solve that problem, so this is really a critical issue.”

Evergreen was not the first school that struggled with the hypersensitivities of safe spaces. Liberty Nation reports that many institutes have experienced the same fate. At Fordham University, a coffee shop manager commanded customers wearing “Make America Great Again” attire, remove their “offensive” clothing or leave within five minutes. The manager claimed that the group violated the store’s safe space regulations due to their “threatening” existence with “fascist, Nazi” attire. 

Such environments attempt to control not only students’ clothing choices but also their thoughts and beliefs.

“Under-Educated Nation”

Dr. Weinstein expounds that his job title entails providing youth with the tools to evaluate difficult questions and reach answers through critical thought.  It seems pupils are hungry for knowledge, as the instructor was one of the most beloved at the university. In fact, according to Rate My Professor, a site frequented by the savvy collegegoer to evaluate academics before taking their lectures, he has received a quality rating of 4.7 out of five. Also, 100% of evaluators noted they would like to enroll in more classes from him.

Weinstein continues to speak on intellectual injustices occurring at educational institutes across the U.S. By becoming aware of the indoctrination encouraged by many professors, the country’s youth will conceivably begin pursuing independent thought and questioning authority. Perhaps there is a light at the end of the seemingly thin-skinned millennial mindset.

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