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Campus Follies: Prof Thinks Females are Dumb

by | May 20, 2018 | Columns

American women may have believed they were free of sexism in the 21st century.  However, the far-left continues to attempt to belittle our ladies.

The University of Akron has barred IT professor Liping Liu from trying to increase the scores of females due to their gender, according to The Associated Press.  Dr. Liu was reported after emailing his class that women may receive one to two letter grade growths:

The scholar explained that his course of about 25 students included only two girls in which both may have to leave the program if a grade boost is not permitted.  However, many pupils are experiencing troubles, as evidenced by the site Rate My Professor, which is frequented by the savvy collegegoer to evaluate academics before taking their lectures.

On the site, Dr. Liu received an overall quality score of 2.7 and a difficulty mark of 4.1 out of five.  Many are struggling in the course regardless of sex, but the scholar seems to assume that only females are incapable of handling the difficulty without aid.

One of the school’s administrators explained that such behavior is “unacceptable.”  Liu noted that his actions reflected an attempt to heighten the number of ladies in IT since they are underrepresented in the field. 

Do females require help to succeed due to their gender, and is underrepresentation an issue?

Sex Differences in STEM

As reported by Liberty Nation, there is no evidence of male dominance in STEM careers aside from the computer and environmental sciences and engineering.  Furthermore, girls statistically dominate boys in neurobiology, psychology, evolutionary biology, and other occupations.

Nevertheless, Dr. Liu fails to mention the lack of men in these fields.  Should universities begin boosting the scores of boys in the classroom to encourage them to enter these careers?  Would this not be labeled as “evidence of a patriarchal society” by the left?  It seems that many would like for girls to carry a victimhood mindset, oblivious to reality.

Are Ladies Less Intelligent?

In 1907, the German neurologist P.J. Möbius published a famous essay entitled Concerning the Physiological Feeble-Mindedness of Women.  In the pamphlet, Möbius argued that the female brain is inherently “animalistic, dependent, and naïve,” and that granting them equal rights would threaten and corrupt society to primitive standards. 

On college campuses across the country today, some still hold similar beliefs to Möbius.  One such example is evidenced by two Seattle female professors earlier this year:  The academics proclaimed that girls are helplessly oppressed and discouraged from entering STEM careers.  The instructors believed the culprits of this persecution to be the supposed white male traits of “independence, rationality, and objectivity” prevalent in scientific ideology.

Women are dependent, irrational, and ignorant?  Evidence indicates that no such differences in the brains of each gender exist and that both groups have equal capacities for intelligence, as explained by LN.  Far too many scholars in the U.S. seem to want to regress to hypersensitivity and emotionally driven education under the guise of academic support.

Facts are not a danger to sane individuals. Each sex has equal capabilities for astuteness despite the beliefs many on the left would wish for our nation’s girls to carry.  As women continue striving for success, the political victimization game will continue.  We are smart enough to overcome the rhetoric.

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