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Confused and Unidentifiable in Identity Politics

by | Apr 17, 2018 | Narrated News, The Left

As intersectionality reigns supreme, the Scots have unofficially decided to become censorious in the “ever-progressive”  LGBTQ movement. Free Pride Glasgow, the annual festival and parade, shuns the top talent of the glittery footwear and feather boa kind.  Yes, they have decided to ban drag queens from the festivities.  Don’t shoot the messenger.

The decision to exclude drag queens was rendered with the intent to avoid hurting the feelings of the transgender community, citing that the sub-group, also defined as “T” on their letterhead, may feel uncomfortable with the extravagant brand of entertainment.


Free Pride Glasgow, Scotland’s largest gay event, self-proclaims to be “non-commercial” and more open-minded than traditional LGBTQ events.  How is that even possible without breaking the law?  Maybe organizers are looking out for the vulnerable constituent, but, that concern stops short of the all-inclusive, all-equal mantra of old when it comes to cross-dressing divas.

In a recently released statement from the event committee:

“It was felt that it [drag performance] would make some of those who were transgender or questioning their gender uncomfortable. It was felt by the group within the Trans/Non Binary Caucus that some drag performance, particularly cis drag, hinges on the social view of gender and making it into a joke, however transgender individuals do not feel as though their gender identity is a joke.”

FYI, non-binary is a catch-all classification for gender identities not exclusive to male or female.

Identity Politics and Splinter Groups

Banning the queens had been proposed a few years ago, but backlash on social media had Free Pride people rescinding the ill-thought edict, with attempts to rationalize their reasons:

“There was never a ban on drag queens and kings attending Free Pride. There was a decision to not book any drag acts, which has been overturned. Free Pride now welcomes drag performers of all genders and gender identities.

We made a mistake, and we apologise.

We hope to learn from this in order to foster the kind of community we want to see. We believe there is a greater need for dialogue within, and indeed between the trans and drag communities. We look forward to creating spaces where these dialogues take place with mutual compassion and respect.”

Obviously, that dialogue did not end well, and drag queens got the well-heeled, sparkly boot right out of the event and back to the tamer venues of America’s public libraries for story hour.  And that portends doom for their ongoing  Pride political agenda.  By fractioning their base, alienating the majority in favor of a minority, their voice will dim.  And they have only themselves and the sniveling global political progressives to blame.  Add the “U” for unidentifiable to the acronym.

The LGBTQ movement has come a long way since the days of throwing pennies and rocks during the Stonewall Riots in the Greenwich neighborhood of Manhattan in 1969.  They have secured equality in marriage, military, and the workplace and have bent social norms to their will in many instances.  But the progressives have gotten a chokehold around the neck of the movement and are slowly killing the strength and vitality this group once possessed.  The world will watch as the LGBTQ  tribe attempt to turn back time with a weaker, shadowy presence of its former self.  But as we have heard before, “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

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