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Asphyxiating America’s Youth One Mask at a Time

A new scientific study proves the folly, fraud, and failure of masking youth.

One of the most prestigious medical journals in the world recently released the bombshell results of a peer-reviewed study on masking children. It showed CO2 levels six times higher for youth wearing masks, even for short periods of time. Published in JAMA Pediatrics, this alarming evidence of the folly, fraud, and failure of masking comes at a moment when the NEA (National Education Association) is pushing to have every child in America fully masked for the entire school day this fall. The study authors wrote:

“Most of the complaints reported by children can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.

“This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.”

Of course, you likely haven’t heard of this study because it runs diametrically counter to the prevailing narrative about masks. Catechized in endless media messaging about the absolute necessity to mask, Planet Earth has been populated by a faceless population for a year and a half. No matter that this fear-based pantomime is not based in science, that Anthony Fauci’s emails show he has known this all along, and that in more than 60 studies masks have been demonstrated to have little to no efficacy in reducing the spread of SARS CoV2. Or any other virus, for that matter.

The propaganda about masks has been so effective that it has caused an inversion of common sense in everyday Americans. People who are so ill that they show obvious signs should stay indoors. Anyone who is visibly ill should be avoided. But we obediently masked up anyway.

Just as it made no sense whatsoever to quarantine the healthy, it made even less sense to mask them. Eminent scientist and former Pfizer vice president, Dr. Michael Yeadon, pointed out the obvious: Healthy people and/or asymptomatic carriers have a close-to-zero chance of infecting anyone else. This is because you need a considerable viral load in your lungs to manifest symptoms to pass along to someone else. No symptoms mean virtually no risk of passing the virus. Period.

So what purpose did masking serve? Well, masks made for a powerful visual. The optics of the face covering and the uniformity of adherence by a world population put in fear were compelling. And the outsized terror was about a virus with a 0.26% rate of mortality, according to the CDC. You read that correctly. We flooded the planet with billions of masks to “save” one-quarter of 1% of the population, with a highly inefficacious remedy.

It should be remembered that this 0.26 percentile turned out to be overwhelmingly older and beset by additional co-morbidities, which would have put them at risk during any regular flu season. And as Yeadon pointed out, the scientific hard data are in: COVID-19 turned out to be slightly more deadly than a bad — but not severe — flu season.

So, was the “altruism” and “nobility” of masking to save this fractional percentage of lives worth it? When one considers the global devastation that resulted from lockdowns — including decimated economies, a widespread fermata on education for children, and an alarming spike in drug ODs, suicide, domestic abuse, and extreme poverty — the answer is a definitive no.

Presciently argued at Liberty Nation one year ago, masking may well have been a test run for universal compliance with the “Vaccine Quartet” that became available at “warp speed” in the last month of Trump’s presidency. Masks were the figurative flower girls strewing fresh petals of compliance on the ground to herald the arrival of the vaccines we are all now being commanded to take. Can you imagine every person in the world being browbeaten into taking any other drug, especially one with no long-term safety trials? You likely know no one who has ever taken a drug that has no FDA approval — until COVID. Now probably almost everyone you know has taken a drug that is free of FDA approval: the vaccine. It bends the brain to consider the magnitude of the retreat of common sense and the utter surrender to media messaging.

And now the reckless Randi Weingarten, head of the NEA, which “collaborated with” (read: “pressured”) the CDC to not open schools last fall, is leading the movement to have all students masked in school.

Masks don’t work, and now we know they’re dangerous, but the American left overwhelmingly supported their use. Now it seems masked students will be breathing in six times the typical level of CO2 for at least six hours a day. That is unhealthy, even deadly. And yet it seems we are doubling down on an education requirement that will negatively impact the physical and psychological health of every school-age youth.

As Tucker Carlson recently stated, “If public officials keep acting like this, there may be a revolution.” Which begs the question: Will children ever forgive the feckless leaders of the pandemic who subjected them to crushing, non-science-driven punishment for the last 18 months?

Should they?


Read more from author Pennel Bird.

Read More From Pennel Bird

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