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Biden to Address Friendly Globalist Audience

With bona fides burnished in 2019, Biden again will polish his internationalist halo.

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Articles, Politics

On Feb. 19, President Joe Biden will give a virtual address to the Munich Security Conference, an annual globalist get-together that Politico EU has declared outdoes Davos as a place “where [the] world’s power brokers really meet.”

In 2019, Biden spoke to this elite forum in person, delivering what is revealed to be an incredibly important speech now that he has been installed in the White House.

The astonishingly blunt address unequivocally served as a loyalty oath to internationalism. Biden trashed the current U.S. president while abroad – something Democrats decry as verboten even as they regularly do it (see: Clinton, Hillary)  – and promised his internationalist colleagues that “America will be back” in its ranks in due time.

‘Shape and Bend for the Benefit of All Humankind’

The speech is chockful of revealing statements. Biden began with a vigorous defense of NATO, the Cold War-era treaty organization that former President Donald Trump openly suggested was obsolete. Biden then sang the praises of the European Union:

“I strongly, strongly, as I guess the majority of my colleagues – I don’t want to speak for anyone but my guess is they do as well – believe and support the European Union. Strongly support the European Union. An antidote to excessive nationalism that twice before has torn this continent apart. The European Union is more than an economic union. It is critical, critical, to security and stability.”

“We’re at an inflection point,” Biden continued as he hashed out the messianic vision shared by his fellow Munich attendees. “Not because the challenges proliferating around the world are beyond our capacity to shape and bend for the benefit of all humankind, as we’ve done so often before.”

No, there was a larger problem. “There’s an ideological struggle as well going on. A competition of systems, a competition of values. It’s the kind of competition that our trans-Atlantic community, our institutions and NATO itself was built to address at the end of World War II,” he exclaimed.

Biden was referencing the neoliberal world order created in 1945 that he sees threatened today:

“And yet in this environment for the first time in my memory we’re being held back by hesitancy and uncertainty. I know that it’s due in part to the perception that the United States itself is holding back and uncertain. That we’re pulling away from the world and from our leadership responsibilities.”

This set the stage for a blistering attack on Trump and his America First policies:

“The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right. The American people understand, please, because it makes us embarrassing, the American people know overwhelmingly that that’s not right, that’s not who we are.”

These remarks were interrupted by loud applause. It must be emphasized just what Biden was doing here. An American mulling a run for the White House was politicking before assembled influential foreigners, using an internationalist forum to denounce his domestic ideological opponent. Biden wasn’t giving this speech at a breakfast in Des Moines. He was electioneering in Europe.

‘Oh, I Should Stop’

Biden then informed this foreign body that there was a “struggle for America’s soul.”

“Oh, I should stop,” he quickly added. But he continued with a rant about climate change and the need for the United States to be part of a global coalition to fight it.

From there commenced a paean to a muscular American global leadership that solves problems worldwide wherever they are to be found. Biden specifically sought to allay the fears of his fellow internationalists that the nationalist policies of Trump would last:

“I promise you, I promise you, as my mother would say, this too shall pass. We will be back. We will be back. Don’t have any doubt about that.”

He was met with vigorous applause once again.

After concluding his speech, Biden sat down with former George W. Bush Under Secretary of State and ex-Bill Clinton administration ambassador Nicholas Burns, a globalist apparatchik who has worked both aisles of the Uniparty. “Mr. Vice President, thank you. We needed to hear that speech,” Burns told him.

To fully understand establishment loathing for Donald Trump, one need look no further than this remarkable address. Here one finds what truly spurred the “conspiracy to save the 2020 election” recently laid out by Molly Ball in Time Magazine:

“That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream – a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”

“Fortifying” democracy means preserving a post-war neoliberal order that serves our ruling elites. With Biden as their mouthpiece, America’s globalists promised their internationalist colleagues they would be back.

And now, they are.


Read more from Joe Schaeffer.

Read More From Joe Schaeffer

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