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Biden Presidency Signals a Fourth Estate Vacation

Now that journalists have succeeded in ousting Trump and installing Biden in the White House, they can take a break.

For the last four years, members of the establishment press have acted as raging pit bulls, foaming at the mouth over every action, comment, or tweet emanating from the mind of former President Donald Trump. If you subjected yourself to cable news since 2016, everything was a bombshell worse than Watergate, resulting in the walls closing in on the former president. And, of course, if you are a masochist and combed through social media, everything and everyone was an “ism” or “phobic.”

Now that the Fourth Estate and its Big Tech brethren have achieved the ultimate objective of preventing a Trump second term, journalists can take a vacation. They will cool their heels and bide (Biden?) their time until the next election – when it will be once again time to vilify the Republican candidate.

Why Are You So Wonderful?

Is it any surprise that trust in the media is at an all-time low, with a majority of Americans thinking reporters mislead people on purpose? But where would this level of distrust originate? Let’s grab a pipe and our deerstalker hat, my dear Watson.

The way reporters covered the days leading up to and including Joe Biden’s inauguration, it was as if the second coming of Jesus Christ was unfolding before everyone’s eyes. There was a sense of euphoria in the press, with CNN and MSNBC anchors and pundits using words like “calming,” “brave,” “modest,” “cleansing,” and “inspirational.” Contrast that with the media’s description of Trump’s exit: “stinking, mutated hulk,” “disgraced,” “vulgar,” “selfish,” chaotic,” “racism and lies,” and “crisis-ridden.” It was as if viewers were watching a political campaign ad for President Biden.

During the media’s first powwow with Press Secretary Jen Psaki, a reporter asked her: “Will [Biden] keep Donald Trump’s Air Force One color scheme change?” Psaki did not have the answer to “such a good question,” promising to provide the information at a later time.

Lauren Wolfe of The New York Times hyped up Biden’s arrival at Joint Base Andrews, revealing that she had “chills.” Wolfe was also perturbed by the “pettiness” of the Trump administration for not issuing a military plane to bring Biden to D.C., calling it “childish.” It should be noted that nobody from the Biden camp asked for one. Wolfe took her unconcealed bias so far that even the Times couldn’t defend it and promptly fired her.

CNN political director David Chalian endured a social media roasting for his fawning over Biden and the imagery of his inauguration. He told anchor Wolf Blitzer: “Those lights that are just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool — it’s like almost extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” William Shakespeare would be envious of such eloquence. But Chalian was not the only one. John Harwood, the CNN White House correspondent, abandoned any semblance of objective journalism and celebrated Biden’s inauguration by tweeting that the White House transitions from “lies” to “truth” and “ignorance” to “knowledge.”

Speaking of CNN, the cable news channel’s Jim Acosta plans to tone down his adversarial approach to covering the White House. New York Magazine‘s Olivia Nuzzi conceded that the mainstream media would not apply the same level of reportage of the last four years to the Biden administration.

Liberty Nation‘s Jeff Charles summarized what the American people could expect from the legacy media for the next four years:

“When Biden makes a faulty decision, the nation can expect its vaunted Fourth Estate to dutifully run interference for him like offensive linemen defending their quarterback. Media activists will serve as enthusiastic journalistic assassins, ready to rhetorically eviscerate opponents of the Biden administration who dare to criticize their beloved leader.”

Charles’ prophetic words were already vindicated on Biden’s first full day at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. CNN reported that Biden is “inheriting no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan to speak of from the Trump administration,” adding that the newly sworn-in president wants one million vaccines a day over the next 100 days. But this is fake news because an average of 940,000 doses per day were administered in the previous week, for a total of 18.4 million shots since December 14.

Thrill Up My Leg 2.0

Can anybody ever forget MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ famous “thrill up my leg” comment from the 2008 presidential election? That single statement summarized the establishment press bias and coverage of The Chosen One. The media’s bobby-soxxer, school-girl crush for former President Barack Obama was at least understandable. He was young, cool, new to federal politics, and said the right things. Or, as then-running mate Biden explained in 2008: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

But Biden himself? His road to the White House for the last 33 years has been paved with gibberish, racism, plagiarism, statism, flip-flops, and anything else that would have ended the political career of anybody else. As long as a politician hitches his or her wagon to the next big thing and declares the Republican opposition as Literally Hitler (TM), the odds of electoral success increase exponentially. It also helps when the fake news industrial complex serves as a wing of the Democratic Party.


Read more from Andrew Moran.

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