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Strange Bedfellows: MAGA and BLM Unite to Protest Forced Vaccination

A union born in a common mistrust of a state-compelled COVID-19 jab.

Suppose you were an unusually cruel dream-weaver dedicated to disturbing the slumber of the world’s ruling elites with a harrowing nightmare. In that case, you might not do better than conjuring a fantastical union of the furthest fringes of the left and right in a common purpose that strikes at the heart of globalist plans to jab everyone on planet earth with a COVID-19 vaccine.

Hell freezing over? The impossible-to-predict has come to pass. This week MAGA advocates and BLM activists found something in common: a powerful mistrust of leaders seeking to line us up like sheep for the largest medical experiment ever conducted – namely, forcing the hastily formulated COVID-19 vaccine on all of us. Henry Fuseli’s famous painting The Nightmare may suggest the night terrors said leaders will experience in the face of this diabolical co-operation.

In Manhattan and Rochester, NY, this week, Donald Trump supporters and demonstrators from Black Lives Matter joined forces to protest what they anticipate to be state-compelled, compulsory vaccination. In New York City, this unlikely pairing gathered outside the West 92nd Street home of Democratic New York Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, who introduced Assembly Bill A11179. If signed into law, this bill would give Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, the power to force-vaccinate anyone he deems necessary to ensure “sufficient immunity.”

The bureaucratic ignorance of this burgeoning and malevolent fascism is staggering. The manufacturers of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines admit there is no evidence that their experimental vaccines will halt or impede transmission of the SARS CoV-2 virus that results in COVID-19. Simply put, they will not confer immunity from the virus.

If the vaccines cannot stop transmission of the virus to others, it cannot create immunity and thus cannot help establish herd immunity. But New York’s leaders want to force-vaccinate or punish those who refuse it for standing in the way of “sufficient immunity.” The circular idiocy of such draconian overreach would be laughable if it weren’t so frightening.

And if you’re not convinced something sinister is at work, consider that the World Health Organization (WHO) quietly changed its definition of herd immunity between June and November 2020 from “immunity developed through previous infection” to “immunity developed through vaccination.” This science-free skullduggery is a lie in the service of Big Pharma and vax-happy globalists like Bill Gates. It seems the rest of us clearly could unite under the flag of resistance to medical tyranny.

In Rochester, councilman Jose Peo was the spearhead to rally demonstrators against this slow-motion bureaucratic 1984. The proposed bill would give forced-vaccination powers to Cuomo, the same governor who effectively consigned more than 6,000 elderly New Yorkers to death with his calamitous nursing home decree in 2020. Peo, who worked with the Rochester faction of BLM to affiliate with MAGA in the protest, had this to say:

“We want you to have the choice whether or not you want the vaccine, simple as that. If you want the vaccine, fantastic, we’re not going to jump ahead of you in the line, take the vaccine. But we want you to have your choice.”

Black Americans have more than enough historical reason to be suspicious of government diktats about vaccination. The infamous Tuskegee experiment of the early 20th century, conducted by the precursor to the CDC, sought to document the long-term effects of syphilis. To set up this Mengele-like experiment, the federal agency injected poor black men with syphilis – without telling them – in exchange for the promise of free healthcare. Many of the test subjects died horrible deaths from syphilis after passing it to their wives, who in turn bore children afflicted with congenital syphilis.

Jumpcut to 2021. The same federal agency, now known as the CDC, is working alongside leadership to prioritize Black Americans’ access to the vaccine over citizens of other ethnicities. This highly dubious carve out for Black Americans is racist on its face, especially with Tuskegee’s ugly shadow cast across it.

Such serious adverse events as transverse myelitis, Bell’s palsy, anaphylaxis, and death from the COVID vaccine are on the rise. In some states, as many as 50% of healthcare workers and firefighters are refusing the vaccine. So the discontent with being told what we must inject into our bodies is growing.

Not sure if this is your hill to die on yet?

In the end, it’s merely a public-relations misdirect the Big Pharma companies engage in – even though they don’t have to. The 2005 Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) conferred total immunity from emergency use vaccine injury or death on all companies and health care professionals in the vaccine manufacturing and administration chain. It provides far fewer potential benefits than the already underused, and largely unknown 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) that has paid out 4.4 billion dollars against fewer than 1% of total vaccine injuries, according to a Harvard University study.

The deck is stacked, but knowing that confers power. Little wonder that MAGA and BLM are staking out common ground; they have a common enemy: medical tyranny and those who seek to wield it.


Read more from Pennel Bird.

*Hat tip and sincere thanks to Mr. P.K. for bringing attention to an error regarding CIPC that we made. The article has been updated with the correct information.

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