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Woe to Those Who Violate the Social Justice Warrior Code of Conduct

What do Jimmy Kimmel and a university chairman have in common?

Communism is gaining popularity in America today, especially among youth. When critics say that millennials are ignorant of what communism is, their actions suggest they are quite aware of the ideology’s horrors. The left has embarked upon an odious Kafka-esque crusade that integrates the social credit system of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the infamous show trials of Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. The former gives cover to progressives who have violated the social justice warrior code of conduct. At the same time, the latter can punish anyone possessing a modicum of conservative or libertarian values for the entire world to see. The social commentary we have read in dystopian novels, from Nineteen Eighty-Four to Brave New World, were blueprints for the authoritarian left that aims to defeat the independent spirit and enforce conformity on the public. Who knew that Jimmy Kimmel and a Canadian university figure would have something in common?

Jimmy Kimmel and Michael Korenberg

The late-night talk show host, who has been championed as “America’s Conscience” by CNN and The Washington Post, was caught using the N-word multiple times in a song for a 1996 Christmas album. Kimmel also has been seen wearing blackface on numerous occasions, impersonating NBA legend Karl Malone and media mogul Oprah Winfrey. Blackface and the N-word? Why, he must have been terminated from ABC almost immediately, right? Right? Not quite. Before Fox News uncovered the racist audio, Kimmel announced he was taking leave from the show for the summer and issued a half-hearted apology about his past statements.

That is it? No digital pitchforks? No wall-to-wall coverage on the Counterfeit News Network? No crying celebrities? It is time for Hollywood’s finest to grace screens, sing Imagine, and read from cue cards about how they will no longer tolerate stereotypes and cruel jokes.

Michael Korenberg, the chair of the University of British Columbia’s board of governors, resigned his post after it was discovered he liked several Tweets that violated progressive orthodoxy. He gave the thumbs up to tweets by President Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Dinesh D’Souza. This was enough for Korenberg to step down and issue an apology, describing his social media activities as “regressive” and “thoughtless.” His colleagues said liking tweets from these conservative personalities was “deeply hurtful” and that “UBC has zero-tolerance for racism and recognizes that real harm is created from both overt and structural racism.” Some folks think his resignation does not go far enough.

Kimmel sports blackface and shouts the N-word. A university figure likes conservative tweets. One person gets a pass, and the other is loses his livelihood. What is going on here? This is what you get when you institute an unwritten law called racism credits and mirror the Soviet show trials.

The Racism Credits Economy

Have you noticed that it is usually leftists who are caught mocking black people? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Howard Stern, Ted Danson, Jimmy Fallon, Joy Behar, and the list goes on. And yet, these are the same people who shriek to the heavens about how racist President Donald Trump and the Republicans are. Is there not something blatantly ironic in their tirades? These paragons of progressive piety and their insipid behavior are excused because they champion socialist dogma, from free stuff to GOP loathing. Of course, most important of all, they are Trump’s opposition.

In today’s hyper-political and hyper-sensitive world, if you dare say anything that Brian Stelter or Nicolle Wallace avers is racist, you are thrown in the elevator to travel down to the gallows. But you might be given a slap on the wrist through a system called racism credits.

Kimmel has done everything in his power to discredit President Trump and the incumbent administration, from reporting fake news to shedding tears on television over the Affordable Care Act. He has showered praise on vital Democratic figures, putting him one step away from deification and granting immunity from past scandals that would have cast out a conservative like a leper.

Prime Minister Trudeau was caught wearing blackface and brownface. The result? Re-election. Fallon remains hosting his late-night program on NBC, Behar is still on The View, Stern continues to be a powerful voice on the radio, and Danson is active in the Democratic Party. But they have all accumulated enough racism points, primarily through leftism and mocking the president, to be forgiven for their past sins.

Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News personality, only had to talk about blackface to lose her NBC show. Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are bombarded with boycott threats because they fail to adhere to the 3×5 card of allowable opinion on social issues, particularly Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Roseanne Barr was fired from ABC because she made fun of Valerie Jarrett, who is a close friend of former President Barack Obama.

But racism points can ostensibly extend beyond racial prejudice. You could wish the First Lady contracts COVID-19 (CNN’s Rick Wilson), encourage ISIS to bomb Trump Towers in Istanbul (MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance), and be accused of sexual assault (Joe Biden) and you would be mostly immune from the leftist mob’s attacks.

In the end, it is comparable to the pyramid of victimhood. You are the most prominent victim on the planet if you are a minority who also happens to be disabled, transgender, and a Marxist. Black and female? You are near the top of the food chain. But if you are a conservative or a Trumplican? OK, you do not count. You are at the bottom of the totem pole, just above straight white males who have failed to atone for the sin of being born.

Social Media Show Trials

At the height of their power, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany held show trials. These were public legal displays in which the judicial authorities already determined the defendant’s guilt. These sham proceedings maintained a variety of purposes: subservience to the state, discouragement of dissidence, propaganda, and retributive justice. Despite The New York Times’ Walter Duranty claiming these were fair trials, it was later learned that the Soviets meticulously planned these cases. For example, if defendants did want to read forced confessions, they would not go on trial and would then be executed.

Today’s digital tyrants should not be likened to Nazis and Communists, and their freedom to boycott and whine should be protected at all costs. That said, it is disheartening when people read scripted apologies to appease a segment of society that is intolerant of ideas that contradict theirs. For now, their grievances are confined to social media and the invisible hand of the marketplace. But what happens when today’s youth become policymakers and pass laws to prevent feelings from being hurt?

It is befuddling and nauseating when famous people issue an apology because they praised Ben Shapiro or donated money to a Republican candidate. When an average citizen stands up to the mob and declares that men and women are different, like what James Damore did back in the good old days of 2017, it is a symphonic melody comparable to a J.S. Bach tune.

You do not even need to speak before outraged leftists start howling at the moon about how being silent is complicit in whatever they deem to be an injustice. But leftists are not out for justice. They are on the prowl for power, instituting citizen-based thought police to ensure the public does not commit the crime of independent thinking. You must adhere to the Ten Commandments of Leftism bestowed by The Chosen One – and that could be Obama or the next lionized icon of the left who has the politically correct skin pigmentation and genitalia. It is only a matter of time before Obama is accused of being a white supremacist.

These petulant cretins continually get their way because of spineless corporate brands and activists pretending to be journalists who latch on to the next bandwagon of outrage. The endgame of destroying lives over an innocuous tweet or a smidgen of intellectual diversity should not be tolerated.

The Future of Discourse

Who knows what the future of discourse will be? It cannot be verbal because anything you say can be found offensive to some Puritans in the deepest recess of the web. It cannot be physical because a gesture could be misconstrued as advocating white supremacy. The art of conversation is dead and buried; language is confined to placard slogans, cable news chyrons, and 280 characters. Perhaps tomorrow everyone will wear paper bags, like the Unknown Comic from The Gong Show. Oh, wait. That is not politically correct because it cost a tree’s life, which might insult an anxious environmentalist. How about we completely cut ourselves off from society, spend our days hiding in the basement, and seek forgiveness for conscious and unconscious transgressions?


Read more from Andrew Moran.

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