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Biden’s Greatest Fear Shows How out of Touch With Reality He Is

The presidential wannabee has some serious worries.

Another dithering message is making the rounds in Swamp rat circles as former Vice President Joe Biden believes President Trump will rig the 2020 election in his favor. The latest infomercial from the likely Democratic nominee’s basement studio includes a threat, though one somewhat out of character for the blathering Biden. Instead of challenging Trump to a push-up competition or threatening to take him out behind the woodshed for a good old whuppin’, should his delusions become reality, the aged politician plans to send in the military to remove the Oval Office squatter. Chicken.

But the drive by media is picking up the thread and has begun a whisper campaign, seemingly setting the stage for an “I told you so” moment should the Democrats lose to the incumbent. It’s not unlike 2016, when then-candidate Trump believed the election was rigged against him. It was such a ludicrous notion that President Barack Obama assured his adoring public “that’s ridiculous, that doesn’t make any sense, and I don’t think anyone would take that seriously.” Now Obama’s number two is floating the same concept. What changed? Four years ago, the media had told the Democrats they were winning. Now, they can’t seem to slay the populous orange dragon.

Mr. Biden – faced with an economy struggling to right itself, calls for defunding police departments across the nation, riots, and cities in ruin – claims, “It’s my greatest concern, my single greatest concern. This president is going to try to steal this election.”


Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

President Trump has called out voting by mail as a potential fraud problem. Somehow, Democrats, pundits, and mouthpieces for the party are now all worried that Trump will not leave the White House if there is any hint of impropriety – if the outcome were inconclusive – immediately following the election. Trump has made no such threat.

What Trump has sternly warned governors and the mayors of America’s most populous cities is that they had better get their houses in order and quell the violence, rioting, and looting that has taken root thanks to Antifa and Black Lives Matter: “If a city or a state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.”

A few military folks – former Secretary of State General Colin Powell and former Chief of Staff General James Mattis – barked and whined about Trump overstepping his presidential authority, which Biden’s handlers incorporated into his daily talking points memo. Biden is now praising who he thinks is praising him:

“I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying: Whoa. We’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you – I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

This writer believes “with great dispatch” came from the brain of Joe – certainly not his exhausted campaign staff. It would seem that Mr. Biden, much like Hillary, is picking his White House china pattern a bit too soon to be anything but wishful thinking. Or – again, much like Mrs. Clinton – he lives in an alternative universe.

And who better to bring the man back from the edge of a disappointing abyss but that perky little smarty pants, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. In classic McEnany style, the press secretary gave the former vice president a brush off and  near derisive snort after she was asked about his “greatest fear” remarks.

“I think that’s a ridiculous proposition … leave it to Democrats to go out there and grandstand and level these conspiracy theories.”

The White House is unnervingly unconcerned with the blithering comments from the presumptive Democratic nominee.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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