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Heartland Glad for Cancer Free RBG and Hope She’s Soon a Retiree

Flyover folk thank God for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recovery – and wish she would retire to enjoy it.

Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at their own peril; it was this silent majority that put President Trump in the White House. Each week, Liberty Nation gives voice to the hard-working Heartlanders who are silent no more.

All it takes is one missile strike against Iran and a dead terrorist for every politician to become an expert on foreign affairs and U.S. warfare strategy. The Democrat currently under the lens is Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who must have smoked a bowl of the memory expunging pixie powder before telling Fox News, “There weren’t these incidents during the Obama Administration. We didn’t have protests against our embassies, the killing of American contractors. Americans were safe at that time.”

What was Fox thinking? Not for having the guy on the air, but for neglecting to prod for details. Our friend from Nebraska, Tom Evers, asked, “Fox, who likes to be fair and balanced … why no push back on the absurd … no protests or deaths under Obama? The shame here is Fox letting this go unchallenged.”


Patriots responded with a vengeance. From Coon Rapids, MN, Butch Hallquist waxed eloquent, “Just shows you how much politicians either don’t know or how they are willing to lie about what happened. Not only did Americans die but Obama paid them (Iran) for it. It’s about time somebody did something about it.”

In Brandon, MS, keeping quiet on social media wasn’t in the cards for Sandra Stone Massey. “Well we had murders, and they were American, on Obama’s watch and he ignored pleas for help,” she wrote. “These were the most prominent … There were others … check out Fast and Furious.” Fast and Furious being the Obama operation that handed over guns to Mexican cartels.

There was outrage over the blatant lie in Middle America and Maryann Sullivan in East St Louis, IL, followed up on Massey’s comment: “It breaks my heart to think that our ambassador begged for more security,” referring to the Benghazi attack.

RBG Miracle Cure

GettyImages-1206345269 Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Photo by Shannon Finney/Getty Images)

But there was some good news on the political front. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg claims she is miraculously cancer-free. She has, evidently, beaten pancreatic cancer: The one no one seems to survive. This prompted some to query if she possesses the DNA of a cat or if she’s simply immortal. Although Heartlanders praised God for the apparent recovery, they also asked her politely to resign and enjoy her good prognosis. Some pondered how an old woman struggling with health problems for years could be cured when most people die. “Amazing how the rich old people are able to get the cancer cures that have been available for years, but the rest of us aren’t ‘worthy’,” was the comment from an angered Minnesotan, Gloria Stahl Kaberle.

But there were the more skeptical Midwesterners, like Justin M. Kaiser of Fort Wayne, IN, asking for proof, “I don’t believe it. We haven’t seen recent pictures of this woman in almost two years.”

Again, most praised God for a clean bill of health – cynical or not – while Steve Evanchuck in Ohio mused, “And she slept happily ever after. Especially in the SCOTUS Chambers.”

Ditching the U.S. for Nigeria

But the best news came from Cardi B – a rapper who drops the f-bomb like there’s no better way of describing things. She’s threatening to leave the tyranny of the U.S. In a tweet, the salty singer who could make most sailors blush said, “Its sad this man is putting Americans live in danger. Dumbest move Trump did till date … I’m filing for my Nigerian citizenship.”

All sorts of folks offered to help her fill out the official paperwork, lest Nigeria’s literacy standards prove more than she can live up to. And there were the more informed commenters, like Renee Wilson in Fenton, MO, who spoke, unfettered by liberal censors: “Yeah, because we are all heartbroken that a former hooker, who bragged about rolling her johns, is threatening to leave.” Cardi B recently sued two bloggers for defamation after they accused her of prostitution, but she had previously admitted on Instagram to drugging and robbing clients while she worked as a stripper.

Cardi continued in a follow-up tweet, “Picking my tribe.” And one Nigerian responded, hopefully not from Boko Haram, “As one in charge of the Diaspora for [Nigeria], we can’t wait to receive you again. Our doors are open, sister.” And flyover folks are ready to close the door as she walks through.

In other news, Chicago experienced one whole day without a shooting. There is hope.


Read more from Sarah Cowgill.

Read More From Sarah Cowgill

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