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Mexico’s Fox Exposed as Globalist and Tyrant

by | Apr 9, 2018 | Narrated News, Politics

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In an epic debate titled: Nationalism Vs. Globalism, between former Mexican president Vincente Fox and Mr. Brexit, Nigel Farage, the former exposed himself as a tyrant fighting for globalist causes at the expense of freedom and democracy.

This exposure will come as no surprise to those who have followed his career, but to the audience, and even the pro-Fox debate chair, the Wall Street Journal’s Mary Kissell, this appeared to unnerve them in quite a spectacular way.

Nigel Farage is no stranger to taking on national leaders in debate, and despite Kissell declaring both her and the WSJ’s support of Vincente Fox at the outset, seemed to relish being in the underdog position. The fervent Brexiteer was declared the debate winner by 90% of the audience, but perhaps his victory was more to do with Fox’s “slipping of the mask” than his admittedly outstanding oratorical skill.

Cat Out of the Bag

Fox began by espousing his admiration for the Chinese and Eastern regimes stating that they no longer have ideologies and are more “pragmatic governments”. He said, “They don’t fight like dogs and cats here like Republicans and Democrats do every day.”

With a somewhat concerned look in her eye, Kissell reminded Fox that “They’re authoritarian regimes. They put people in labour camps. They torture them”.

Undeterred, Fox continued, saying:

“Well, I began to doubt how smart is democracy, because democracy’s not delivering. That’s why in Britain they’re not happy with what’s going on. You’re not happy with what’s going on in the United States, you’re not happy with what is going on in Mexico… I see, pretty soon, something different… some other way we’re going to perform governance, that we’re going to take decisions, and how we’re going to manage our countries”.

An uncomfortable silence followed, broken by Farage’s portentous words:

“I think the globalist cat was just let out of the bag.”

Farage went on to deride Fox’s position to an ever-warming audience:

“We heard President Fox’s contempt for democracy and for what people think. I heard in previous debates he didn’t even think the Brexit result was a fair democratic result. And this is what the globalists want. I’ve no doubt most of them are terribly well educated and frightfully clever and well-funded by giant multinationals and they think they know better than the ordinary peasants as to how we should live our lives.”

Globalist Exposure

This dismissive attitude towards democracy and the individual will of the people is at the heart of the Globalist “Ideal.” As the public clamor for more debate among the elected/and unelected leaders of the world, more of this insidious agenda is exposed.

Nigel Farage has been at the forefront of exposing the lies for more than 20 years. Through debate, speeches, and sheer bloody-mindedness, he has brought to light that which the followers of the Globalist creed have sought to keep silent and away from the eyes of the people.

It is only through critical thinking and a willingness to “walk towards the fire” that we will uncover the true enemies of freedom, democracy, and the right to an independent life.

Read More From Mark Angelides

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