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Tweeter in Chief Strikes Again

Trump lures even the moderate Democrats into supporting the socialists.

Just as the centrist Democrats were starting to revolt against their most hated radical progressives in Congress, President Donald Trump saw the danger of a moderate Democratic Party and leaped to send out a provocative tweet that lured the centrists into embracing the radicals within their party.


From left: Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley

After the far-left Justice Democrats managed to get radicals primaried and elected to Congress in 2018, the leaders of the Democrats have been under constant pressure to keep the party from veering off the cliff of socialism. Especially four of the newcomers have been prominent in the media. Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are known as “the Squad,” or, as Tucker Carlson calls them, the Four Horsewomen of the Democratic Apocalypse.

A new poll showed that not only are these among the most well-recognized representatives of Congress; they are also the most despised, even among Democrat voters. The most concerning aspect for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), however, is the fact that independent voters are clear that they prefer Donald Trump over any candidate that embraces socialism. In short, if the Squad defines the Democratic Party, Trump wins in a landslide.

That is probably the reason Pelosi started to criticize the Four Horsewomen publicly, to which Ocasio-Cortez responded that Pelosi was a racist.

4D Chess

While most conservatives were abiding by the never-intervene-when-the-opponent-is-destroying-itself-rule, Trump came to Pelosi’s rescue and defended her against the four radicals. He sent out the now-infamous tweet where he said that if they hated America so much, why don’t they go back to their countries of origin and not return until they have implemented their magic solutions there.

Trump has been lambasted by conservatives for making a massive blunder and by the mainstream media for being “racist,” but it is more likely that he had a strategy. Yes, he was probably playing 4D chess again.

He knows that if the centrist Democrats make a revolt against the progressive radicals a year before the 2020 election, there is plenty of time for the Democratic Party to put the internal conflict behind it. If that happens, Trump will have to face a relatively moderate candidate who can permit him- or herself to run on a platform that is less insane.

Trump doesn’t want that. He likes it when the Democrats embrace open borders and free health care to illegal immigrants. Those will ensure him his re-election.

The Plan Worked

Trump succeeded in what he likely was trying to do. Pelosi came to the Squad’s defense and thereby wedded herself to their radical anti-American agenda. The longer he can keep them on the same team, the better his chance of winning the 2020 election, which he freely boasted about on Twitter.

Americans vs. Un-Americans

What the left consistently gets wrong is that Trump is tribal, but not racist. He doesn’t care what race or ethnic background people have. His rule is simple: If you love America and support capitalism, you’re on his team, and he will praise you. If, however, you hate America and whine and complain about how awful and racist it is, then he will tell you that you are free to leave.

In short, for Trump, there are only two teams: Americans and Un-Americans.


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