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Hollywood Sex Scandals Conveniently Forgotten

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Where in the world are Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and the other creepy molesters of Hollywood?

You remember a few short months ago, when the cause du jour was sexual assault and harassment by the media mogul in his own pay to play scam? Starlets and A-listers burst from their cocoons to rail against the monster who either ruined their lives or made their careers.  Did you forget about it? Hollywood sure did.

Dateline: November 9, 2017.  Los Angeles’s top prosecutor Jackie Lacey establishes a brand spanking new Sex Crimes Task Force to handle the tsunami of allegations of sexual abuse within the entertainment industry. Her declarative words were meant to inspire confidence in victims coming forward:

“I have assigned the group of veteran sex crimes prosecutors to work together to ensure a uniformed approach to the legal review and possible prosecution of any case that meets both the legal and factual standards for criminal prosecution.”

Ooh, That Smell

Well, shucks, it seems there aren’t any legitimate cases.  Out of the 71 men accused within days of Weinstein’s flaming out, there is not one single, solitary case that can be prosecuted?   How can this be possible?  Sure, they were smacked off their lofty perch in many cases, but weren’t laws broken?   Perps should be in cages.


Los Angeles prosecutor Jackie Lacey

Liberty Nation reached out to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for an update and received the following email reply from Greg Risling, assistant chief, media relations division: “In response to your question, no cases have been filed and one has been declined by our task force. The case was referred to the City Attorney’s Office for misdemeanor filing consideration.”

Mr. Risling is not the conversational media type, as it took two emails to gather that two-line intel, which makes zero sense.

The publication USA Today fared no better last month with their inquiry, as Risling emailed them this lengthy explanation in February: “Three cases have been presented to our office by the Los Angeles Police Department regarding Mr. Weinstein and are under review.”

There is something rotten in Hollywood, more so than the usual depravity.  Was this all a publicity stunt to cover the industry crimes that keep Los Angeles the reigning entertainment capital of the world?  If so, New York City might dethrone the west coast royalty.

Hollywood, Hold My Martini

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

It appears the great state of New York is also struggling to compile a criminal case against Uncle Harvey, but the investigation is ongoing.  In the meantime, while attempting to gather ironclad evidence of criminal wrongdoing, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman channels Eliot Ness and his Untouchables in their quest to bring down Capone.  The AG has filed a civil rights lawsuit, halting the sale of Weinstein Company and punching the corpulent predator where it hurts most: his fat wallet.

Schneiderman is determined to get Harvey one way or another:

“As alleged in our complaint, The Weinstein Company repeatedly broke New York law by failing to protect its employees from pervasive sexual harassment, intimidation, and discrimination,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “Any sale of The Weinstein Company must ensure that victims will be compensated, employees will be protected going forward, and that neither perpetrators nor enablers will be unjustly enriched. Every New Yorker has a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment, intimidation, and fear.”

New York is on a roll and Jackie Lacey and her highly touted Sex Crime Task Force should take note; turn over every rock, peer into the dark, murky recesses of the industry, and send the casting couches to CSI technicians for a thorough inspection. If Hollywood pulls another Roman Polanski in aiding, abetting, and idolizing this pervasive and disgusting scourge, Tinsel Town will eventually cease to exist.  The self-loving entertainment awards’ season is finally over, Jackie.  Now go do your job.

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