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FISA Memo: Nowhere to Run

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Columns, Politics

The release of the FISA memo still dominates the “news” as a ripple effect from ground zero exposes layers of collusion in the nation’s highest law enforcement agencies.  Positioning the pieces of this drawn out and puzzling game is beginning to reveal a picture the swamp-dwelling Democrats, along with a few of their toady Republican pals, had hoped would never come to light.

But the gigging stick (If you are a reader in flyover country, you know what this is) is striking.

Crawfordsville, Indiana is called the “Athens of Indiana” for its culture, progressiveness, and abundance of nationally known writers.  But they also have a Pilot Travel Center, drawing road trippers, truckers, and locals for conversation and fresh deli-style foods.

I do love a busy truck stop for a mix of chatty people with political opinions, and I was not disappointed.

Is Justice Blind or Corrupt?

If you ask Jim, from Ohio, a retired first shift factory supervisor, who now works at being a grandpa full time, he’ll tell you in the plainest language possible that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigations, need an overhaul “post haste.”

Referring to president Trump’s tweet last April that he was “wiretapped” by then President Obama, he said with a grin, “Day in and day out, those crazy tweets—what we thought were crazy conspiracy stuff–from the president are being proven not crazy at all.”

Grandpa Jim is talking about the latest report from Fox News detailing additional texts in 2016 between FBI lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. In one exchange, the two discuss talking points to prepare for then-FBI Director James Comey, with the damning declaration that Obama “wanted to know everything.”

It appears Obama was involved in Hillary’s email scandal.  And if you thought about it for half a minute, this would explain why the outgoing president was nowhere to be seen on the campaign trail until the very last minute.  Dumb like a fox, that Obama.

Report after report, the FISA memo, and the absolute fear etched on the faces of Never-Trumpers, in Jim’s eyes, validates the dark, all-encompassing campaign to stop Trump at all costs.

“The DNC cheated. Hillary cheated. The media made up fake news. I don’t know how he is still standing, but I am sure glad he is.”

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

Meredith, a pharmaceutical rep grabbing a coffee to go, didn’t pull any punches either when she opined, “The deeds of the last administration are quickly coming to light. And it will be a sad day for America as their crimes come full circle.”

Indeed, it will be Meredith.

Whether or not the sentiments of those Americans who reside in flyover states permeates into the megacities of the east and west coast remains to be seen.  But one thing is for certain; the truth is tearing its way through years of sediment and dirt, and it will surface soon enough.  And in the pessimistic and satiric words of writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.”

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