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SAY WHAT: From Fake News to Flake News

by | Jan 24, 2018 | Columns

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.  Here is the latest episode:

Tim Donner: This was a week when Donald Trump handed out his highly anticipated first annual Fake News Awards, not for people or organizations, but for individual stories. Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist, an opinion writer for the New York Times, was the rightful recipient of the grand prize for his creed the day after Trump was elected predicting economic Armageddon, which of course is the opposite of what’s happened.

CNN, the most trusted name in news, led the way with four entries, and let’s face it; there could have been dozens more. But even more fascinating was the continuing meltdown of a never-Trump guy, who’s been utterly repudiated by his home state voters in Arizona, to the point he won’t even seek reelection as an incumbent. This week, the lame duck Senator Jeff Flake played the part of defender of freedom of the press and attacking those Fake News awards with his own, Flake News, by going on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, and comparing Trump to an infamous Soviet tyrant.

Sen. Jeff Flake: When you flexibly refer to the press as the enemy of the people, or fake news, that has real damage. I noted how bad it is for a President to take what was popularized by Joseph Stalin, an enemy of the people, to refer to the press. Then now, today, you have authoritarians across the world using the term, fake news, to justify cracking down on their opposition.

Tim Donner: Now, in case you thought Senator Flake might have thought better of comparing Trump to Stalin, on national TV, you thought wrong. One day later, he went on the Senate floor and said exactly the same thing. Maybe Flake somehow thinks he can regain his relevance by carrying the banner for the anti-Trump wing of the party. He is likely thinking about a primary challenge to the President in 2020. Good luck with that.

And good luck to Cory Booker, who took grandstanding to a new low with an Oscar-worthy performance. In a Senate committee hearing with one other senator in attendance, Booker expressing his horror at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, for saying she didn’t hear Trump utter the infamous, S-hole word.

Cory Booker: When ignorance and bigotry is alive with power, it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.  I hurt.  When Dick Durbin called me, I had tears of rage, when I heard about his experience in that meeting. For you not to feel that hurt, and that pain, and to dismiss some of the questions of my colleagues, when tens of millions of Americans are hurting right now, because of what they’re worried about what happened in the White House, that’s unacceptable to me.

Tim Donner: “Tears of rage, unacceptable to me …” Let me translate that for you. He’s auditioning for the 2020 Presidential Primary. We’ll talk with our Political Correspondent Graham Noble about Booker, and some other Democratic hopefuls for 2020, in the next segment.

Now, Nancy Pelosi is not going to run for President, but her low down, dirty attacks on Trump and the Republicans keep her in the limelight, and her fundraising appeal to the hard left alive. This is how Pelosi described all those bonuses and salary hikes by businesses since Republicans passed the Tax Reform Bill: 

Nancy Pelosi: In terms of the bonus that corporate America received, versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to put the schmooze on, is so pathetic. It’s so pathetic. I think it’s insignificant.

Tim Donner: Well you really have to wonder how that comment will sit with the millions of people who actually valued the thousand-dollar bonuses and higher wages.  Later in the week, Pelosi referred to a Republican plan to fund the government for one month, and including six years of funding for the Child Health Insurance plan, as a pile of dog poop with a cherry on top, that they try to call a chocolate sundae.

It really is hard to understand how the Democrats think. The same strategy that failed miserably in 2016, sheer class warfare and withering attacks on Trump in a booming economy, no-less, are enough for them to win control of the House, and maybe the Senate. But, they do, they’re convinced they’ve got this one in the bag.

To show you the type of people the hard left base of the Democratic party is attracting, take a gander at this ominous political ad:

Chelsea Manning: I’m Chelsea Manning, and I approve this message. We live in trying times, times of fear, of suppression, hate. We need to actually take the reigns of power from them. We need to challenge them at every level. We need to fix this.  We don’t need them anymore. We can do better.

Tim Donner: A former army officer, a man who became a woman, a trans, who was imprisoned for seven years, found guilty on 22 counts after leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, now a Democrat candidate for the Senate in Maryland, seriously.

In another cooked up drama that would never have happened with any other president, Trump was pronounced in very good health, after a physical from White House Dr. Ronny Jackson, but the eager beavers in the press tried to get the good doctor to give them something, so they can claim Trump is cognitively challenged.

Reporter: There have been some questions as part of your exam, and I’m wondering if you talked to the President about this, about the President’s mental fitness. He has pushed back on that calling himself a stable genius. Can you assess the President’s mental fitness for office?

Dr. Ronny Jackson: Absolutely. We did do a cognitive assessment as part of the exam. Initially, I had no intention of including the cognitive assessment in this exam because, to be honest with you, per all the guidelines that are out there, it’s not indicated at this time.  I’ve spent almost every day in the President’s presence, since when he got into office. I’ve seen him every day. I’ve seen him one, two, sometimes three times a day.  The reason that we did the cognitive assessment is, plain and simple, because the President asked me to do it. The President did extremely well on it.

Tim Donner: Indeed, Trump scored 30 out of 30 on the cognitive test. But, with the dementia angle off the table, leave it to CNN to create yet another fake scandal, as TV Dr. Sanjay Gupta, without having ever examined Trump, declare the President to be suffering from a serious disease.

CNN Anchor: Sanjay, correct me if I am wrong, but you did see some troubling signs when you look at the data.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: The President has heart disease. Those numbers qualify him for having heart disease, and it clearly needs a plan to try and prevent some sort of heart problem down the road.

Tim Donner: I mean … Trump has heart disease. Never mind what the actual non-partisan White House physician says. I guess all you can say at this point is, CNN will do or say anything to keep reeling in those ant-Trump viewers, all the while shredding their own credibility as their slogan, the most trusted name in news, becomes a laugh line.

But you know, there’s a lot happening under the radar, big moves and good news about Trump’s policies that go virtually unreported by the establishment media, proving again that the media sins of omission are actually worse than their sins of commission.  One such story that flew under the radar was Kentucky becoming the first state to take advantage of new rules permitting states to add a work requirement for able bodied Medicaid recipients. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin said, “This will make the Medicaid program what it’s supposed to be, without hurting rightful beneficiaries.”

Gov. Bevin: This is good for the individual. It is good for the community. It is good for the workforce. It is good for the economy. It is good for Kentucky, and it’s good for America. That’s why I’m not worried about it.  The very people for whom Medicaid was intended, was created, and has historically been available, are going to continue to have full and complete access to everything that they have had. That isn’t going to change one lick.

Tim Donner: Imagine that, requiring work from people on the government dole who are able to work. What that will ultimately do is offer more benefits to the people who are actually unable to help themselves, which was the purpose of Medicaid to begin with.

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