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The Ohio Battle Fought on Tax Perspective

by | Jan 24, 2018 | Politics

When President Trump took office just over a year ago, many Americans were excited to see how the new administration would tackle issues like immigration, healthcare, the over-regulation of business, and an over-taxed middle class.

Few likely foresaw the level to which the Democrats – and even some Republicans – in both the House and Senate would refuse to participate in anything Trump.  However, the POTUS pressed on against all odds and has since signed the most significant tax reform bill in almost 30 years.

Midterm Advantage

Ten of the states that propelled Trump into office have senators who are up for re-election in November.  Democrats look to swing the slim majority of 51 to 49 seats currently held by Republicans, while the GOP sees it as an opportunity to increase their advantage. Tensions are high already in Ohio, as two of the candidates believe the new tax law to be their advantage in winning over voters. This race is unique in that these two gentlemen played significant roles in the journey of passing the bill late last year.

The incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown (D) is a member of the Senate Finance Committee.  His late-night sparring with Chairman Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) went viral as he vocally opposed the GOP tax law last month. His now-famous “This tax cut is not for the middle class, it is for the rich” led Senator Hatch to respond with his own brand of “fire and fury.”

Representative Jim Renacci (R), of the House Ways and Means Committee, was a key player in writing and advancing the legislation.  He, like most Republicans, is very pleased with the number of companies who have announced bonuses and increased wages for workers since the bill passed into law. Renacci stands behind the premise that the winners here are the economy and working families.

Combating Reality

Democrats will have a tough time selling Mr. Brown’s point, as 90% of workers are expected to see increases in their paychecks beginning in February.The new withholding tables have been published and can be used by employers right away. Therefore, some workers may see an increase as soon as their next paycheck. However, employers are not required to comply with the new withholding tables until February 15.

Dems describe the new tax law as a scam benefiting the rich on the backs of the middle class; ignoring the fact that reducing the corporate rate has already allowed companies to give employees bonuses, pay hikes, and the creation of new jobs. Another complaint is the cap of the $10,000on deduction of State and Local taxes.  Ironically, people impacted by this the most are in the upper tax brackets – a bit of information the left would rather not see publicized.

Trouble Ahead

Most middle-class workers want to make more money, live comfortably, and have opportunities to advance; they pay little attention to things like the approval ratings of the president.  The same people who do not agree with President Trump’s daily tweets may respond differently when asked if the new tax law benefited them and their families.

This is where Democrat incumbents may run into trouble during elections. Campaign commercials will be full of flashbacks of negative statements and the banding together of Trump’s opponents at the cost of their constituent’s needs.  At some point, it seems that blindly following Chuck and Nancy may lead candidates right over the cliff.

If there is one thing we all should have learned over the past year, it is that you cannot trust everything you hear in the news.  People are smarter and more invested in their lives than the government or the press like to believe.  The American spirit is, and always will be, to achieve greatness; that just won’t happen unless we work together.

Read More From Teresa J. Read, CPA

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