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Seattle Becoming Progressive Capital

by | Nov 29, 2017 | Columns


Washington, the Evergreen State, is turning bluer with each second as people flock to the overly progressive state in droves.

According to The Seattle Times, the city of Seattle alone has an average of 57 people moving to the area per day. “Between July 1, 2015, and July 1, 2016, for instance, Seattle had a net gain of nearly 21,000 people.”

The Washington Post said Washington is “the epicenter of resistance to Trump’s agenda” after legislators took exception to the president’s travel ban “and a federal judge in Seattle ordered a national halt to the ban’s enforcement.”

Howard Schultz

The Greater Seattle Area is home to some powerful high-tech and influential corporations such as Amazon, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Expedia, who saw their bottom line suffering from the ban. Many of these companies employ personnel that were born in some of the countries listed in the travel ban. Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ CEO, said he would hire “10,000 refugees over five years in 75 countries” in response to the ban.

In 2014, Seattle made national headlines and gained the support of progressives everywhere when it raised the minimum wage to $15 per hour, starting a trend that quickly spread to California and other areas.

Seattle’s council-members seem to think they are above the law and aggressively press their opinions and rules on everyone. For example, despite the state’s constitution stating “all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property,” in July, the council passed an income tax hike on the wealthier citizens.

In August, Seattle’s landlords lost their ability to screen prospective tenants with the Fair Chance Housing Ordinance, which prohibits them from performing criminal background checks and even requesting security deposits.

Seattle’s homeless population is out of control, and only growing worse as the “sanctuary” city welcomes and even encourages the homeless to move to the area. Tent cities sprout up everywhere, making it difficult to go anywhere in the city without smelling human urine and feces. It is so bad that two judges asked the city’s council to power wash the sidewalk in front of city hall on a daily basis. And what was the council’s response? Councilman Larry Gossett said power washing would be racist, that it might “constitute a microaggression against blacks.”

Washington state continues to amaze as the lefties continue to insult while crying foul on everyone else. A good example is Evergreen State College. Students there decided to protest racism by demanding “a day of absence” in which all white people were to stay away from the school. When one of the professors disagreed with the “white people-free” day, students demanded he be fired, and the local police suggested he stay at home for a while for his own safety.

Seattle has grown too big for its britches, but it doesn’t look like there are plans on slowing down anytime soon.

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