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Trump Supporters, CNN Thinks You’re a White Supremacist

by | Aug 25, 2017 | The Left


In another bold and accusatory article, the ‘fake news’ site claims that voters who helped elect President Donald Trump into office are white supremacists by default. However, the article seems to call for an uproar just with its opening statement:

Blame President Trump for his tepid moral response. Call the neo-Nazis and white nationalists thugs. Fill your Facebook and Twitter accounts with moral outrage.

According to CNN’s John Blake, author of the article ‘White supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible, “the tragedy that took place in Charlottesville this month could not have occurred without the tacit acceptance of millions of ordinary, law-abiding Americans who helped create such a racially explosive climate.” Part of that environment, Blake said, is because of those who elected a bigoted and prejudice president:

But it’s the ordinary people — the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative’s anti-Semitism — who give these type of men room to operate, they say.

Blake goes on to cite four types of ordinary people who he says are racist and even white supremacist.

The ‘down-low’ segregationist

This group, Blake said, consciously choose to move out of any neighborhoods where Black Americans or Mexican Americans live. White people avoid anything with the word ‘public’ in front of it such as healthcare, housing, and education because they associate it with poor neighborhoods containing Blacks.

Those who say ‘yes … but’

Trump’s response to the Charlottesville tragedy was specifically cited as a prime example for this group. By saying the hatred and violence that occurred there would not be tolerated, the president qualified the statement by claiming the fault was on “many sides.”

Those who choose chaos

Blake claims those who voted for President Trump chose chaos. They elected a president known for making racially charged statements, outrageous claims and whose personality is flamboyant and at times absurd.

Those who look the other way

Using the Holocaust as an example, Blake said people who fall into this category are afraid to rock the boat, and while they may not agree with what is happening around them, they will turn their heads and not get involved.

To say that all President Trump supporters fall neatly into any of these groups is erroneous. To claim that they are all white supremacists by default is not only arrogant and condescending, but it is also a dangerous claim to make. While calling out Trump fans for looking the other way or promoting a controversial president, CNN is adding more vicious fuel to the fire of hatred and intolerance. Blake’s article invites more dissent and unrest instead of working towards a solution to the growing problem.

Poor neighborhoods are high crime areas. If a family can afford to move out of the area, why would they choose to stay? It doesn’t mean they all relocate because of the skin color of their neighbors. There are many reasons a voter picks a particular president to back. Perhaps the American people were sick of so much politics that they chose a president without any political ties, regardless of his outspoken manner – or perhaps because of it. Some voters just did not want to see Hilary Clinton elected and would have voted for Donald Duck if that was their only other option.

These reasons do not make a person a white supremacist, but mainstream leftist media don’t seem to care about the full truth. The media’s mission has become about headlines and inciting controversy and chaos instead of sticking to the facts.

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