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Who’s the Real Bigot: Smollett’s Story Unravels

Faced with the notion that anyone paying attention views him as a race attack hoaxer, Jussie Smollett will not give up the ghost.  Like a child with crumbs all about who feigns ignorance about the disappearance of the cookies, Smollett is holding on.

Jussie Smollett

The hosannas had barely softened from Smollett’s retelling of the courageous fight he gave his attackers. But Chicago police were a total disappointment. A fraud. Police did not sweep the alleged crimes by Trump supporters under the rug like they were supposed to do; they investigated it like the Lindbergh kidnapping.

Nigerian brothers were found, questioned extensively, and then released without charges. After hearing the evidence, about how they were friends with Smollett, how he paid them $3,500 to help, where and when they bought the rope, and how they rehearsed the crime, the smart-money bet was that Smollett was a moment away from a tearful confession. No, sir. In what seems to this armchair psychologist like a clear case of cognitive dissonance, Smollett doubled down, insisting he is now even more victimized.

He fired his new criminal defense attorney and hired some others, releasing this statement on Sunday:

“He has now been further victimized by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack. Nothing is further from the truth, and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”

What are you going to believe: Smollett’s statement or all the observed and collected evidence?

Smollett’s claims of a physical attack by Trump supporters animated by his race and sexual identity are false. There was a hate crime in Chicago, but it was committed by a gay black man against all those who stand in opposition to left-Democrat policies. While there is no special crime attached to smearing Trump supporters like there is for bias crimes against blacks, for instance, there is a law that calls Smollett’s behavior a felony, and he should expect to be charged with it. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]this was an attack on everyone who thinks Donald Trump is not Hitler. [/perfectpullquote]

Falsely reporting a crime in Illinois is covered by statute, and it seems Smollett’s actions amount to a Class 4, the lowest level felony crime in the state, which calls for imprisonment of no more than three years upon conviction. This month a man in Illinois was sentenced to three years in prison for hoaxing an Amber Alert, for instance.

When the truth is on the table and Chicago police can stop pretending they think Smollett may be a victim, remember one thing – this was an attack on everyone who thinks Donald Trump is not Hitler.  Keep that in mind as you see Smollett’s story crumble into the pile of lies that it is. It was all based on a lie fed to Smollett his whole life: that America is a racist, homophobic place. Sadly, the perpetrators of that lie will go unpunished.

Read More From Scott D. Cosenza, Esq.

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