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Leftists No Longer Having Sex: Is It Trump’s Fault?

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Articles, Political Humor

Every once in a while –  or, these days, every 47 minutes – some leftist comes completely unglued and starts ranting about President Donald Trump and all those who support him. The depths to which these leftists stoop, as they vent their unbridled hatred of all those who refuse to accept their world-view, seem to have no limit. Yet, even the most demented of social justice warriors and other progressives can still surprise us.

Salon is one of those sites that cater to such people. For the past two years, it has been consumed by extreme animosity toward not only the president but to all things conservative, Republican, white, heterosexual or Christian.

Salon’s rage at the world goes even beyond those things, however: The publication actually seems to pour venom and scorn upon anything and everything that has ever been accepted – rightly or not – as conventional. Salon’s slogan should, perhaps, be: “If there’s nothing wrong with you, there’s something wrong with you.”

On Wednesday, February 13, this digital dumpster fire took its ceaseless quest to normalize insanity and indecency to a whole new level when it published the unhinged ramblings of one Dr. Susan Block. “Dr. Suzy,” as she is apparently known, is the founder of the Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences, which sounds like an incredibly expensive and pretentious brothel, though this humble author has no direct evidence to corroborate that piece of speculation.

So, what is Block’s beef? She appears to despise most of humanity but she mainly seems upset because not only are most Americans not having enough sex, but leftists have been all but robbed of their libido by – you guessed it – Donald J. Trump.

Leftists Trying to Regulate Sex, Now?

Most of what Block told Salon is not fit for reproduction here; readers who wish to endure the full, distasteful but also hilarious rant can always go to the Salon site and read it for themselves. Suffice to say, the good doctor rails against the president, Republicans, conservatives, and men – particularly Christian conservatives and white men. In doing so, Block makes use of a great deal of sexual innuendo and very little logic.

happy-valentines-day-president-trump-ruining-people039s-love-lives-causing-039post-trump-sex-disorder039For one thing, Block suggests that white men consider black men superior which pretty much blows the whole narrative of blacks being the victims of a prevailing white supremacist attitude. She also suggests men are “frightened” and “made angry” by sexually confident women and, in almost the same breath, claims that men are “aroused by the idea of a woman having power in the bedroom.” Is this an obvious contradiction or simply a sign that Block has absolutely no idea what she is talking about? Here is a clue: It’s both.

According to Block, conservatives are generally uptight about sex and in desperate need of therapy, while leftists are suffering from what she calls “Post Trump Sex Disorder,” meaning that they are, quite literally, so disgusted by Trump that they no longer want to have sex. The doctor does not make it clear how she came to this conclusion. Perhaps someone should ask her if she has ever taken a poll – or, for that matter, conducted any opinion research.

Flummoxed By Their Own Rules

The real reason leftists are no longer enthusiastic about sex – assuming this is true – is that, due to the myriad new rules imposed by the Cult of Social Justice, they are utterly confounded by biological reality and by the normal dynamics of human sexuality.

Progressives are now terrified of saying or doing anything that will stir the ire that seethes at the core of the social justice crusade, which – at this point – is more like a perpetual inquisition. Even gay men and women have no idea how to behave. If a gay man is attracted to men, he is now a virtual outcast. To gain the approval of the social justice crowd, he must date a woman who identifies as a man or, better yet, a non-binary, transgender kangaroo.

The truth is that the most twisted, bitter, angry, and confused people in America are the people who take Susan Block and Salon seriously. If that knowledge was not a silver enough lining, consider this: Trump is two years into his first term and leftists are already abstaining from sex. By the time the president concludes his second term, they will have stopped mating altogether and may be extinct within a generation.

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