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NBC Science Deniers Refuse Climate Debate

Wake up, America! We the People are being told we are not intelligent enough to understand both sides of an issue and come to our own conclusions. The media have gone from doing their job, reporting the news without opinion or bias, to being pompous dictators, doling out only the information they want us to have. Remember when the media tried to prevent President Trump’s first Oval Office address from airing? It was just another attempt to swarm around and thwart any action from our president. A recent attempt to control thought came from NBC’s Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. In a single-topic episode on climate control, he refused to permit naysaying.

On Dec. 30, Todd managed to slam Trump and deny opposing opinions all at once. “This morning we’re going to do something that we don’t often get to do: dive in on one topic,” he said. “It’s obviously extraordinarily difficult to do this, as the end of this year has proven in the era of Trump.” And:

“We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period. We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

Science is settled? Since when? Like most everything else, science evolves with new discoveries and enhanced technology. Were science settled, we’d believe that the earth was flat and leeches cure almost any ailment. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]“There is nothing more anti-scientific than the very idea that science is settled…”[/perfectpullquote]

“There is nothing more anti-scientific than the very idea that science is settled, static, impervious to challenge,” said Pulitzer Prize winner Charles Krauthammer.

As NewsBusters pointed out: “The Closing of the American Mind was Allan Bloom’s groundbreaking critique of ‘absolute understanding’ in academia and the way that it undermines critical thinking. If Bloom were with us today, we could imagine him writing a sequel devoted to the way the climate change industry has sought to silence dissent.”

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) was so troubled by NBC’s refusal to allow a dissenting view, it launched a campaign against the news conglomerate. In the ad, CEI boldly states that NBC is promoting alarmists to generate fear:

The campaign included the above video as well as a full-page ad in The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

The CEI said:

“Contrary to Chuck Todd and the alarmists, there is a real debate among scientists, if not television journalists, about the extent of warming and its effects. Although the computer models predict rapid warming, the actual temperature data show only a modest rate of warming.”

Liberty Nation’s Onar Am recently reported on a study that proves there has been no sign of warming in 900 years. Yet, Todd would not allow any guests on the show to provide this type of information. We know Todd has an agenda. But why is he opposed to presenting all sides of a complicated and contentious issue? He must be afraid, very afraid, that thoughtful viewers might apply their reason to the facts presented and come to another conclusion.

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