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Gabbard Faces Democrat Wrath

Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is a study in political complexity: a sophistication of views, values, and diplomatic relationships that the toxic fume-belching drive-by media types and her own ideological party cannot wrap their programmed brains around.

Within minutes of announcing her candidacy for president in 2020, Gabbard was met with an onslaught of nastiness from the press, which had the audacity to liken her to, gasp, a conservative.

She was hailed as a “Putin puppet,” the endless go-to argument for all leftists, coupled with the ever-repugnant white supremacist accusation, followed by a laundry list of phobias, including homo, Islamo, and xeno — all in one 24-hour news cycle.

It’s a Serengeti smorgasbord when the Democrats eat their young during dinner theater.

Now What Did She Do?

Gabbard is a typical liberal politician in that her platform is chock-full of positions on environmental issues, health care, and gun control.  She’s smart. She’s enigmatic.  And not long ago, insiders whispered about her rise in the Democratic Party. When facing the ridiculousness of other potential candidates, such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who embarrassed herself over lack of Cherokee heritage, and Cory Booker (D-NJ), the self-proclaimed Thracian gladiator Spartacus, Gabbard should be a welcome relief to far-left media types starving for content. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]So why on earth are they attempting to derail a viable candidate?[/perfectpullquote]

But she ticked off her party in 2016 by leaving a cushy position as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee in protest after the DNC basically stole the nomination from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and gave it to the sorest loser in the world, Hillary Clinton. I’d have left in protest as well.

Sure, she criticized President Barack Obama’s dismal foreign policy attempts in the Middle East and met with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad all on her lonesome to the disgust of her swamp-dwelling contemporaries.  But she’s still a breath of fresh air in the putrid world of leftist politics.

So why on earth are they attempting to derail a viable candidate?

Oh, that’s right, 14 years ago she made a few disparaging remarks about the LGBTQ community and a few of their “homosexual extremists.”

But she and 190 of her compadres on the Hill introduced the Equality Act of 2017, sweeping legislation extending comprehensive anti-discrimination protections to LGBTQ Americans.  In her own words, “LGBT Americans in many states still face discrimination in their everyday lives. This is wrong and defies our American principles of equality, justice, and individual freedom.”

This is America, for goodness sake. We love those who profess stupid things and then fall on their individual swords in apology. Why not embrace Gabbard and her unorthodox political ways?

Who Is Tulsi, Really?

Tulsi’s name derives from the Sanskrit word Tulasi, which translates as the holy basil.  Yes, a holy aromatic plant frequently used in Italian cooking. As a child, she excelled in sports, catching waves on Hawaii’s North Shore, dabbling in gardening, and mastering martial arts: a childhood that makes sense when you are saddled with a name that evokes herbs.

Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard is a Hindu who follows Gaudiya Vaishnavism, a spiritual path devoted to mystic avatar Sri Chaitanya.  She also identifies as a “karma yogi,” which in laymen’s terms is a “person who does good to the whole world, loves the whole world and all its beings selflessly”; to that end, Gabbard is a strict vegetarian.

She is certainly not a mainstream kind of gal, but the girl next door in Hawai’i nonetheless.

In 2003, Gabbard, 21, was the youngest elected official in her home state; in 2004, Gabbard enlisted in the U.S. Army National Guard, becoming the first state official to voluntarily step down from public office to serve two tours of duty in the Middle East.

These are the principles of a politician most Americans – even conservatives – could grudgingly support in a leader.

Are They Ever Happy?

Why is it that Democrats cannot be at peace? They snarl, spit, pound on doors, wail at the moon, and march nonsensically at the drop of a hat. And now, when faced with a maverick liberal candidate who pleases aspects of both sides of the ideological aisle, they lose their collective wits.

So what if she challenges the status quo, steps on toes, and worships a mystic avatar? Is she a criminal? Not that anyone can find. Is she a traitor to her country? Hardly. Yet the far-left media and the Democratic Party are pulling out the stops to vilify her. It begs the question: Do the media want a Hillary Clinton do-over or what?

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