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Planned Parenthood Calls for Politics-Free Exam Rooms

Planned Parenthood has a point. You won’t read those words often on Liberty Nation, but as the old saying goes, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” The Planned Parenthood Action Fund dropped a truth bomb on Twitter Thursday, Nov. 29 when they posted that politics should have no place in the exam room. But, like most things that seem too good to be true, this turned out to be a dud.

Unhealthy Politics

They’re right that healthcare shouldn’t be politicized. The irony, of course, is that the organization saying this is an entirely political entity. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) for the purpose of “education and advocacy to protect and advance women’s health and rights.” They spent, according to OpenSecrets.org, $1,410,062 this year on federal elections. And almost every penny of it has gone either to support Democrats ($1,019,336) or oppose Republicans ($289,482), with $101,244 spent on opposing the Democrats they didn’t like.

And of course, if you’ve looked beyond their tweets, you know that Planned Parenthood isn’t about women’s rights or health; they exist only to advance the cause of abortion. Sure, the offer some other services, but the termination of life in the womb is their bread and butter. As LN’s Joe Schaeffer explained:

“In short, what Planned Parenthood does is provide abortions. And while they do perform routine tests like STD screening, these things are not their core moneymaker. Think of STD tests as the Pepsi at a burger joint. Abortion is where PP makes its money. Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions in its 2016-17 fiscal year. Georgi Boorman at The Federalist crunched the numbers, providing for reasonable estimates of price per types of abortion, and concluded that PP made close to $203 million on abortions for that year.”

In addition to spending millions annually on progressive politicians and abortion lobbying, Planned Parenthood and their action fund supported the tyrannical Affordable Care Act – and were just as offended as Barack when the individual mandate was rescinded. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Abortion isn’t healthcare – neither is trying to force employers to fund their employees’ sexual escapades.[/perfectpullquote]

They’ve tweeted out calls to action against the confirmation of Thomas Farr as a district court judge in North Carolina and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s Title IX suggestions and dedicated nearly ever word of their landing page content over at plannedparenthoodaction.org to fighting Trump.

Apolitical Healthcare

Abortion isn’t healthcare – neither is trying to force employers to fund their employees’ sexual escapades. Spending millions of donor dollars in politics certainly doesn’t help the patient in the exam room – unless of course that money is spent getting the government out.

Politics should have no place in the exam room. Truer words have probably never been uttered by the likes of Planned Parenthood. So let’s get the government out of healthcare. Let’s repeal the ACA, let’s honor the rights of doctors and employers to decline to offer or pay for services they’re morally objected to, and – while we’re at it – let’s stop giving our hard-earned tax dollars to Planned Parenthood.

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