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Communist Party USA Thrilled by Democrat Midterm Advances

by | Nov 19, 2018 | Articles, Politics

The strong showing by stridently left-wing Democratic candidates in the Nov. 6 midterm elections has been noted with glee by a once-powerful political party hoping to make a comeback in a fractured America. The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is tickled pink, pun intended, by Democrats’ ongoing and unapologetic lurch to the Left. [perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…leftist candidates can win major elections in America today.[/perfectpullquote]

“The 2018 midterm election clearly marked a step forward. It was, in a word, huge,” the CPUSA chirped on its website in an article recapping the midterm election results.

“The resistance, beginning with the women’s marches the day after the inauguration, scored its first national electoral victory,” CPUSA euphorically exclaimed. “The new Democratic majority [in the House] is the most progressive-leaning in many decades.”

Progressive Comrades

The article is littered with references to “diversity” coalitions rising up against right-wing oppression in a literary style totally in step with modern Democratic identity politics today. Indeed the communists seem so at home with the progressive “blue wave” they enthuse over that they forget at times that they aren’t an official part of the Democratic Party.

A “CPUSA Election Analysis” video posted on YouTube finds party comrade Scott Hiley wondering as the results started coming in, “Is it gonna be a blue tsunami and we retake both houses of Congress?” before catching himself with a …”we, ha!”

People’s World, a news site that “traces its lineage” to the notorious communist Daily Worker newspaper, featured CPUSA National Chair John Bachtell’s take on the election. Bachtell did not attempt to contain his joy. “Congratulations to all who were a part of this great victory,” he roared. Referencing prominent races in Florida, Georgia, and Texas that featured staunchly progressive Democrat candidates, Bachtell celebrated what he sees as proof that leftist candidates can win major elections in America today.

“The electoral alliance that includes the Democratic Party, labor, racial and gender equity, immigrant rights, and other democratic movements can win on a 50-state, 3,000-county strategy and by building grassroots infrastructure everywhere,” Bachtell wrote.

A photo of Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), who narrowly lost in his challenge to sitting Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), ran with the article. The caption underneath the photo stated, “O’Rourke … showed the power that a progressive political message can have even in a so-called red state.”

Awaiting Their Moment

Yes, it’s true that the CPUSA is barely even a fringe movement these days, claiming to have a mere 5,000 members nationwide. It does see itself as a growing movement, however, especially among the young. And unlike scurrilous leftist attempts to connect President Trump with the Ku Klux Klan, the progressive agenda of the communists mirrors that of modern Democrats to an astonishing degree. With Democrats today championing open borders, gun confiscation, and an identity politics agenda that Marxists have always brandished as a valuable tool of division, what’s not to love for an American Red?

And if you think communism’s appeal is limited, observe CPUSA leader Jarvis Tyner’s recent visit to Ohio University. The party’s claim that Tyner spoke to a “packed house” of students and faculty cannot be verified, but the list of multiple organizations that welcomed him onto campus is certainly jarring.

The CPUSA says Tyner visited the school to “help rebuild the Young Communist League that he helped build and promote back in 1972.” According to the party, he was invited by “student and faculty-led organizations such as the Black Student Cultural Programming Board, the Multicultural Center, the LGBT Center, the Center for Law, Justice, and Culture, and the local Communist Party branch.”

A diversity coalition is rolling out the welcome mat for communism? What a surprise.

Instead of constantly painting President Trump as the second coming of Adolf Hitler despite no evidence whatsoever to back that claim, perhaps our biased media and assorted liberal buffoons should spend a moment or two contemplating progressive Democrats’ ongoing journey toward seamless fusion with communist ideals.

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