Following Maoism's devastating and deadly implementation, China embarked upon significant reforms beginning in...
Luna-25, Putin’s Return to the Moon Fails
What was reported as a race with India to achieve a soft landing on the moon at the southern pole ended for...
Is China Using EVs to Spy on Britain?
Is China spying on Britain with EVs? That’s the question being asked around Europe, as concern grows over the use...
France Spying on Its Citizens Through Their iPhones
Ordinary citizens are under perpetual closed-circuit television surveillance in stores, on street corners, and in...
Prigozhin vs Putin: The Non-coup Coup
Yevgeny Prigozhin’s failed attempt to move on Moscow to address his Wagner Group's grievances leaves a stability...
The Russia Ukraine Blame Game
As political figures cast blame, who is really to blame for the attack on the Kakhovka dam?...
China Ramps Up Arctic Intrusion
Beijing is committed to its Belt and Road Initiative and moving the project north. No one should be surprised. In...
Israel Responds to Continuous Palestinian Rocket Attacks
The Israeli government has wasted no time in retaliating to a continuous and intense bombardment by Islamic jihad...
Beijing Brokering Peace Between Ukraine and Russia?
Press reports are emerging that the United States and the rest of NATO would entertain the Chinese Communist...