Stacked coffins, crematoriums running on an industrial scale, and overflowing morgues reveal an entirely...
Christmas in Europe: 12 Days of Barricades
Europe has a long tradition of social activities and festivities in public city squares, especially during...
Trump and Congress Agree: Welcome Home, Liberians?
Slipped neatly, and without much fanfare, inside the $738 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a...
Trump’s El Salvador Asylum Pact: Will It Work?
When it comes to immigration control, President Donald Trump has not backed down from his promise to secure and...
Jorge Ramos’ Race Baiting in the Houston Debate: A Win for Trump
Being trapped in a bubble means you don't even know when you are hurting yourself. Such is the case for the...
Truth TV: Green Card Welfare Rising – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Kelli Ballard discuss the updated "charge rule" and how it affects...
The Golden State Backs Green Card Welfare
It only took four days for California and several other states to sue the Trump administration for initiating the...
MS-13: Medieval Executions at the Hands of Illegals
After two years of investigation and apprehension, authorities have indicted 22 MS-13 gang members for some of...
Making Italy Great Again: Officials Crackdown on Immigrants
After the Obama administration bombed Libya into a civil war, migrants from there have flooded into Europe. As...