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Chelsea Clinton Steps In It Again On Twitter

Chelsea Clinton Steps In It Again On Twitter

Chelsea, Chelsea. When will it end? When will someone love you enough to tell you to stop talking to the general public on Twitter? Apparently one hundred forty characters is not enough for Chelsea to explain herself. Then again, maybe it’s just enough. Chelsea took to Twitter Monday morning to ‘educate’ someone on Andrew Jackson, but it all went horribly wrong.

Burger King’s Creepy Hijack Ad Backfires Hilariously

Burger King’s Creepy Hijack Ad Backfires Hilariously

By now you’ve probably heard about the Burger King TV commercial, in which a young employee says, “Ok, Google, what is the Whopper burger?” His sentence triggered Google-enabled devices to pull up the Wikipedia entry for the Whopper sandwich, which the Burger King marketing director had conveniently just edited to reflect more commercialized text…and then it all went wrong.