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Trump’s State of the Union a Hit with Flyover Folk

by | Feb 1, 2018 | Columns

The people of the Heartland are still rejoicing and rehashing every word, turn of phrase, and promise delivered by President Donald Trump in what is being labeled as a historic first State of the Union Address (SOTU).  If social media is any indication, Trump reenergized his base, converted a few fence sitters, and quieted many liberals’ concerns about immigration, while irritating Democratic leadership.

Parceled with a rebuttal speech by Representative Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA) that fell flat as a flapjack, Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) attempt to decry capitalism, and Representative Maxine Waters’ (D-CA) rebuttal deferred to a full day after, the Democrats took a much-deserved hit on the national stage.

On an overcast post-SOTU day in Indiana, the faithful were reveling in victory, filled to the brim with the latest Trumpisms and mocking the antics of the opposing team.  But hey, it’s the Hoosier state and after every derisive comment, “bless their hearts,” follows; these folks aren’t animals, for goodness sake.

I spoke to anyone overheard dissecting the speech and found myself with a War and Peace sized volume of on-the-record material.  I winnowed it to a manageable read; you are welcome.

Meet Bob and Ann Shoemaker, residents of Independence, population 100, give or take.  Bob has a Ph.D. in physics and has worked all over the world, including for the fly-snacking toadies in The Swamp, as a government contractor in Information Technology.  The Shoemakers now own and operate a local internet company in the boondocks, allowing the rural folk to have high-speed information at their fingertips.

Before I could say hello, Ann blurted, “Did you watch Trump last night?”

And then they both asked and answered any question I could possibly formulate.

For instance, I know why Ann was drawn into the 80-minute speech; she was warmed by “beautiful tributes” of our everyday heroes, especially the young North Korean defector, Ji Seong-ho, who proudly hoisted his crutches in the air showing solidarity with the President.

Ann is also against amnesty for DACA Dreamers and their vast droves of tag along “relatives.”  But after Trump explained why he cut a deal with the Democrats, providing amnesty to 1.8 million to secure additional funding for the wall and border patrol, she said, “Well, that is the art of the deal. He is a negotiator and we need that.”

All in all, Ann said, “He came across as saying, I am equal with you guys.”  The lemonade swilling billionaire next door.

Bob is not completely sold on Trump—yet—hoping to see the leader of the free world protect the citizenry from a Manchurian Candidate, as he believes was Obama to a T: “What did he do for America? Not a thing.  He was bowing to a different, communistic, world order.”

Bob can take a deep dive into the political ocean, and he can also deliver a line with best of dry humor, as he did when we slid into the conversation ditch. “He should’ve read the FISA memo, though, but I am glad he didn’t tweet as he spoke.”

Finally, we talked about the Democrats and their downright manner-less, disrespectful, and petulant behavior during the address.  The most blatant was the wearing of traditional garb from African nations (Ghana), as members of the Black Caucus sported, claiming it was in respect for their people.  Umm, aren’t you guys Americans first?  The answer is a flat-out no.  In fact, the Democrats have rebranded themselves as Anti-American, with grant attacks on our laws, and way of life.  And it was nowhere more apparent than in their flagrant disrespect of our president during the SOTU.  To those who wish to destroy our country, you are opposed by a force to be reckoned with, and as the people of the flyover states would remind you, “We are Dreamers too.”

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Sarah Cowgill

National Columnist

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