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Top Biden Advisers Endorse Radical Feminist Foreign Policy

Do you know how far down the leftist sinkhole Team Biden has fallen?

Multiple leading names on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s A-List of foreign policy advisers are directly tied to an organization that has officially endorsed a radical “action paper” released in May titled “Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States.” What’s more, members of this heavily Biden-aligned organization played a key role in crafting the paper.

The document – which was produced with the help of “contributing” individuals from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Planned Parenthood, and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations – reads like a woke academic exercise.

Here is an excerpt:

“Feminist foreign policy is the policy of a state that defines its interactions with other states, as well as movements and other non-state actors, in a manner that prioritizes peace, gender equality and environmental integrity; enshrines, promotes, and protects the human rights of all; seeks to disrupt colonial, racist, patriarchal and male-dominated power structures; and allocates significant resources, including research, to achieve that vision.”

“Gender equality” as described here of course means worldwide abortion rights while “environmental integrity” refers to global climate change legislation. Promoting massive unchecked immigration into the U.S. under the guise of a “feminist approach to immigration” is a main staple of the action paper. The document also takes its cue from the toxic racial obsessions seen in this summer’s Black Lives Matter protests and applies them to foreign policy objectives. It states:

Foreign policy has traditionally been informed by patriarchal, racist and discriminatory social norms and implemented through white male-dominated institutions. A feminist approach demands gender parity in representation, as well as active commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), especially with regard to gender and race. As such … this principle includes a government-wide commitment to consultation with civil society and feminist movements outside of government, as well as Indigenous peoples and their representative institutions, including and especially those in the Global South.”

At the end of the manifesto is a list of “endorsing organizations and individuals.” Among the names found are various progressive organizations, pro-refugee and pro-immigration groups such as the International Rescue Committee, and pro-abortion groups such as NARAL Pro-Choice America. Hollywood celebrity Ashley Judd is an individual endorser. And then there is a group called Foreign Policy For America.

Biden’s Globalist Leftist Radicals

Who is FP4A? According to its website, “Foreign Policy for America was founded in the weeks after the 2016 election” to confront the “xenophobia” of the incoming Trump administration. Above all, the organization is staunchly committed to what it calls “internationalism.”

“President Trump is wrong: America’s tradition of internationalism … has made us stronger as a country,” FP4A proclaims. “It’s made us a global leader, respected around the world.”

Promoting feminist and progressive issues is seen as an integral part of this “internationalism”:

“Today we need to revitalize that internationalist tradition to grapple with the world’s greatest challenges. From combating climate change and preventing the next pandemic, to deterring cyber-attacks and supporting women and girls around the world, the United States must be a leader in setting the global agenda.”

A look at this organization shows it to be rife with top-shelf Biden foreign policy advisers. A July 31 Foreign Policy article titled “Inside the Massive Foreign-Policy Team Advising Biden’s Campaign” detailed the “small inner circle of Biden loyalists … who are likely to serve as the national security brain trust for a Biden administration.” The first name mentioned in this regard is Antony Blinken.

Blinken serves on the Advisory Board for Foreign Policy For America. His official bio there notes he is a “senior foreign policy advisor for the Biden campaign.”

Avril Haines is another member of that Biden inner circle, according to Foreign Policy magazine. She co-chairs Foreign Policy for America’s Policy Committee. Haines “most recently served as the Principal Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama,” her FP4A bio reads.

Michele Flournoy, who “became the first woman to serve as the Pentagon’s number three-ranking official in 2009 during the Obama administration,” is widely considered a leading candidate to be named the first female defense secretary if Biden wins in November. Flournoy is “an influential and pragmatic voice on defense issues in Democratic circles,” NBC notes.

Flournoy is an “advisor and co-chair of Foreign Policy for America’s biannual scorecard meeting.” “At a time in American politics where policies that embrace internationalism are under threat, the [Legislative] scorecard is a tool to empower and promote an engaged citizenry by shining a spotlight on how members of Congress have voted on key foreign policy issues,” a post on the FP4A website states.

Flournoy is also a member of the Board of Directors for CARE, an international NGO that seeks to advance progressive issues as it promotes the Third World refugee floodtide into the West. “At a time when immigration is at historic lows and the U.S. needs to remain competitive in the global economy, it should be a no-brainer to welcome refugees to the United States,” CARE CEO Michelle Nunn said in a statement criticizing the Trump administration for reducing the number of refugees pouring into the U.S.

Gayatri Patel, “Director of Gender Advocacy” at CARE, is a co-author of the Feminist Foreign Policy action paper and CARE is listed as an official “endorsing organization.”

Former George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush staffer Nicholas Burns is another member of Biden’s foreign policy team. He too is on the Advisory Board of Foreign Policy For America. Burns has numerous ties to overtly leftist and neoconservative foreign policy groups and individuals, including serving on the Advisory Council of National Security Action, an NGO co-founded by “inner circle” Biden foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan that states its mission is to advance “a progressive vision of American global leadership.”

Carlyn Reichel was a foreign policy speechwriter for Biden while he served as vice president. She now has the title of foreign policy director for the Biden campaign. Reichel was the featured attraction of a June 4 “FP4A Phone Bank for Biden Kickoff with Carlyn Reichel” event. On Aug. 18, she participated in a Foreign Policy For America event, titled “Building Back Better: A Post-Trump Foreign Policy.” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) was also a panelist.

Heather Hurlburt, another FP4A Advisory Board member and Clinton administration alum, served as moderator for the discussion. In addition to her work at FP4A, Hurlburt “is the director of the New Models of Policy Change project at New America’s Political Reform program,” her bio at that organization reads. On May 21 she hosted a virtual launch panel for the Feminist Foreign Policy action paper. At the event, CARE staffer and Feminist Foreign Policy co-author Patel hailed Hurlburt as a “founding sister of this process [who] has been with us from the very beginning.”

It’s interesting to note as an aside that FP4A also hosted an Aug. 20 discourse titled “Revitalizing American Diplomacy.” Other panelists included Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). This official FP4A event was moderated by Tom Perriello, executive director of George Soros’ Open Society-U.S. organization.

“In the wake of the Trump administration’s reckless foreign policy and its attacks on American diplomats, a Biden administration will have the opportunity to revitalize American diplomacy,” an advance listing for the event declared.

Helped Write It

The authors of the Feminist Foreign Policy action paper thanked certain “individuals for contributing their time and ideas to inform the following proposals.” Hurlburt was among the listed names. Others included Kavita Ramdas and Keifer Buckingham of Open Society Foundations, Jennifer Vanyur of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and Rachel Vogelstein and Jamille Bigio of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Vogelstein is yet another member of the Advisory Board at FP4America. She previously served at the Clinton Foundation “as the director of Women’s and Girls’ Programs in the Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” her FP4A bio reads. According to her Council on Foreign Relations bio, she is a current member of Planned Parenthood’s Global Advisory Board. Vogelstein is also “[p]roviding outside informal counsel to the Biden for President Campaign,” the bio states.

Samantha Vinograd is a national security analyst at CNN who is also a senior adviser at the Biden Institute. In March 2019 she smeared Trump as being Hitler-like for proclaiming pride in America’s “priceless heritage.”

“Preserving your heritage, reclaiming our heritage – that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about 6 million other Jews in the 1940s,” Vinograd said on the air on CNN. She’s also on the Board of Directors of the Women’s Foreign Policy Group, another official endorser of the Feminist Foreign Policy action paper.

Many Americans realize a Biden presidency represents a return to a pro-globalist standing for the nation, but how many understand just how radically leftist such an orientation would be? Give “Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States” a read if you want to discover just how far down the rabidly progressive sinkhole Joe Biden and his team have fallen.


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