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The Forgotten Troops

by | Apr 23, 2018 | Narrated News, The Left

One of the proudest values of conservatives is to support our troops, those brave young men, and women who put themselves at great risk to keep us all safe. The military encodes some of the core values of conservatism: courage, discipline, standing together in defense against a common adversary. Sadly, however, conservatives seem to be failing the specific troops on which the future of our civilization depends.

You can rally up any conservative to defend the homeland against an invader with tanks, guns, and explosives. The problem is that the enemy is not coming from the outside. It is coming from within.

Clear and Present Danger

During World War II, Singapore expected the Japanese to come via sea and were prepared with canons. Japan, however, understood this and instead came from behind, sneaking in the backdoor through the jungle. It was an easy victory for them.

Similarly, while the typical conservative is prepared to take down any terrorist or foreign enemy and is willing to spend billions of dollars on the military, they still send their own dear children to be indoctrinated by the enemy in public school and universities to hate conservative values. If millennials could vote, Bernie Sanders would have been our president.

The sad fact is that leftist cultural warriors are swarming the country. They control the schools, the universities, the media, Hollywood and social media, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. While conservatives were sleeping, the radical left took over all major cultural institutions.

Where’s the Support?

But it’s much worse than that. There are libertarian and conservative culture warriors who do their best to fight the enemy right here in our midst, but conservatives do not support our cultural troops. In fact, they do the opposite.

Now and then, the enemy gets in some solid shots at one of our soldiers. “Racist!” they scream after some hit piece. What do conservatives do? No man left behind? No, they turn their guns on their fellow conservatives and join the enemy in shooting them in the back. Instead of shaming the enemy for their slanderous lies, they accept the lie as truth and disavow, saying they want “nothing to do with racists.”

One recent example of this is what happened to conservative Bill Whittle, who doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. The Neo-Marxist organization Media Matters for America, who is funded to the teeth by George Soros to kill conservatives socially, went through thousands of hours of YouTube videos by Bill Whittle in search for a slip of the tongue, a single sentence that they could use to slander him as racist.

They didn’t find any, but they were able to find a few phrases that when quoted out of context could sound racist. For instance, they claimed that he said that blacks were lazy. What he said is that “dependence makes you lazy” and he should know because he was one of them. For years, he was living as a dependent and developed bad habits because of this. Media Matters deliberately cut the quote in mid-sentence to leave out the part that would make it obvious to anyone that he didn’t think that blacks were innately lazy. It was a slanderous lie, a pure hit piece.

What did the conservatives that had invited him to speak and support him do? They immediately disavowed him in a press release. This act of backstabbing propelled the Media Matters hit piece into national news. “No man left behind” became “no-one left behind the man.”

And the Money?

The cowardice of some conservatives is only matched by their unwillingness to financially support the culture warriors against the rising tide of the left. George Soros put his money where his orifice is and is using fourteen billion dollars to fund radical leftists that think anyone to the right of Mao is a Nazi. Whatever conservatives are spending their money on, it sure isn’t to support our cultural troops, the last line against the hordes of invading orcs in our midst.

Because of that, the left is winning on all fronts.

Baby with the Bathwater

Here is another recent egregious example of that: recently a Republican majority in Congress voted to pass a budget that continues to fund Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, and border security in other countries while simultaneously slashing funding for border security in America.

Why? Rand Paul explained that the Republicans are so eager to support our military spending that they are willing to give almost anything domestically to the left – to support our troops.

In case the irony escapes you, the purpose of the military is to secure our borders, and by an act of what can only be described as cognitive dissonance of epic proportions, Republicans were willing to defund border security and expand the leftist takeover of America – to secure our borders.

Conservatives and libertarians alike need to wake up. The enemy is not in North Korea, China, Russia or the Middle East. It is right here in our midst. They are American citizens working systematically to destroy every core value on which America was founded. If you don’t start acting soon, the greatest country ever produced will be reclaimed by the jungle.

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