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Christians Killed For Faith On Rise

Christians Killed For Faith On Rise

Christians are being killed in even higher numbers according to a new study released in the World Watch List. The data is staggering and depicts Christian women as the most victimized sub-group in the world. And the place on earth that oppresses, hunts and torments...
PC Hierarchy: The Rights of Women vs Trans

PC Hierarchy: The Rights of Women vs Trans

Political correctness is one thing, but what happens when a woman requests another female to perform a personal and sensitive examination at a doctor’s office, and the attending nurse is a transgender person with male physical attributes? This is something lawmakers...
The Progressive Veil and the Inferiority of Men

The Progressive Veil and the Inferiority of Men

A prominent aspect of the progressive ethos is that women are superior to men. Yes, you heard that right. They believe that men are inferior beings. How so? Consider a common claim promulgated by feminism: anything a man can do a woman can do equally well. That’s the...
Iceland’s Inane Gender Pay Law

Iceland’s Inane Gender Pay Law

In March 2017, the Icelandic government promised to eliminate the gender pay gap by 2022. To achieve this lofty goal, the island introduced a new measure to help policymakers meet that objective. Starting January 1, Iceland will make it illegal to pay men more than...