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Campus Follies: Fat Shaming

Campus Follies: Fat Shaming

A recent trend in advertising has encouraged the idea that “fat is sexy,” depicting plus-sized models as courageous. Although strengthening the self-esteem of millions of overweight Americans is a worthy cause, this fad may worsen the obesity epidemic currently faced...
Doctors, Diet and Taking Responsibility

Doctors, Diet and Taking Responsibility

Over half of all Americans are routinely consuming foods high in calories and fat, producing the obesity epidemic we face today.  In response, universities are increasingly implementing programs to train future doctors on culinary techniques for making healthy meals...
New FDA Regulations Won’t Stop Obesity

New FDA Regulations Won’t Stop Obesity

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final compliance deadline to fast food restaurants to disclose calorie content after three years of extending deadlines. The FDA slaved over creating the perfect set of guidelines; rules and red tape to make any...
Campus Follies: Fat Shaming and Reality

Campus Follies: Fat Shaming and Reality

Most readers are likely familiar with the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me.”  Although quite a cliché today, the expression is becoming increasingly vital, especially for our youth and those in academia who seem hypersensitive...
Coca-Cola Being Sued for Racism

Coca-Cola Being Sued for Racism

Two prominent black pastors are suing Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association for targeting black and Hispanic consumers. The suit alleges that sugary beverages take more lives than street violence. And they are correct in a sense; violence is sudden death...