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The Frightening World Inside Antifa

The Frightening World Inside Antifa

  American-Canadian Steven Crowder has gone undercover with the so-called anti-fascist group Antifa. Crowder, a conservative actor, commentator and comedian found no laughs among the Antifa membership and a lot of fire-power. We’re not talking intellectual heft...
The Washington Post’s Distortion of Reality

The Washington Post’s Distortion of Reality

Democracy Dies in Darkness, according to the Washington Post. Since we, in the United States of America, do not live in a democracy, it is an irrelevant sentiment. Perhaps a better tagline for that newspaper would be ‘Truth Dies in the Editor’s Office.’ The Post...
The Left Rejects Science

The Left Rejects Science

In the 19th century, socialists were confident that they had science on their side and so they promoted the idea of scientific socialism. A few decades and a few socialist genocides and society collapses later, all the scientific evidence pointed to a single...