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The Second Amendment and San Carlos, CA

The Second Amendment and San Carlos, CA

Nestled off the Redwood Shores just up Highway 101 from Menlo Park lies the city of San Carlos, California. It is in places like San Carlos where the Second Amendment is taking a hit, and law-abiding citizens are the victims. Just before Thanksgiving, the City Council...
Urgent Care: Firearms and Mental Health

Urgent Care: Firearms and Mental Health

There is no more timely discussion to be had in America today than that of firearms and mental health. As a mental health professional, it seemed an opportune time to have a civil and thoughtful discussion on this topic. The purpose is to provide more light than heat....
Mueller’s Targeting & Gun Control Follies

Mueller’s Targeting & Gun Control Follies

Talkin’ Liberty is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where Tim and Scott focus on a few of the week’s stories affecting our liberty that deserve a little more focus or may have been overlooked in part or whole.  Here is the latest episode where we discuss Special...