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Shades of The Godfather by James Comey

Shades of The Godfather by James Comey

With the release of former FBI Director James Comey’s book next week, the leftist media is all atwitter about the world according to Comey.  A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership reveal Mr. Comey’s personal appraisals of the president, but mostly it’s just...
The Rise and Fall of James Comey

The Rise and Fall of James Comey

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  He was once seen as a paragon of integrity, a non-partisan law enforcement professional who represented the best the Washington establishment had to offer.  He was thought to be someone you could count on to conduct...
Obama, Guns, and Half a Million Fugitives

Obama, Guns, and Half a Million Fugitives

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  As Democrats blunder from one false position on guns to another, the only thing that appears certain is that they want guns out of the hands of as many people as possible. But if this were sincere, why would former...