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Begala Beware: Dems Jumped the Shark in PA

Begala Beware: Dems Jumped the Shark in PA

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  Leave it to a Democratic strategist like Paul Begala and the chattering class to draw specious conclusions from the special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional district. In fact, they major in adding two and...
Lessons from Pennsylvania’s Election

Lessons from Pennsylvania’s Election

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  As the special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th district came down to the wire Tuesday night, the spin machines on both sides of the political divide went into overdrive. Bizarrely, each finds itself in the position of...
Globalist Bullies in for a Surprise with Brexit

Globalist Bullies in for a Surprise with Brexit

For an Audio Version of this article click here:  Anti-establishment feeling in Europe gained a stronger foothold with the Euroskeptic victory in Italy’s recent elections. In a process that began with Brexit and has gained momentum with anti-E.U. successes in this...
Midterm Election Watch: Illinois and Indiana

Midterm Election Watch: Illinois and Indiana

If you’re multi-tasking, click here for an audio version: Editor’s Note: With so much heat rather than light in the media world today, Liberty Nation presents the following series on the crucial midterm elections that will be taking place. These elections will likely...