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Results for "election"

What Will Russia Do Now?

What Will Russia Do Now?

The infamous red line drawn in the sand between U.S. and Russia has been crossed. In his brief address to the nation last night, President Trump elucidated upon his targeted airstrike as a response to the chemical weapons assault on Syrian citizens by President Bashar al-Assad.

Donald Trump and Middle East Peace?

Donald Trump and Middle East Peace?

In the past few days, President Donald Trump has met with both the Egyptian and Jordanian leaders to discuss the situation in the Middle East. For obvious reasons, the focus has been on the war in Syria, but what of prospects for peace between Israel and the Palestinians? Will Trump bring the two sides closer together than any of his predecessors managed to do?

Tina Fey And Her Public Speaking Failure

Tina Fey And Her Public Speaking Failure

From the moment Russian President Vladimir Putin elected Donald Trump to lead America, we have all been hoodwinked into believing that certain issues are important enough to cut into our drinking-time. What we are not focusing on, however, is a very sinister conspiracy about which every American should be gravely concerned. Let me preach on it.

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice had better lawyer up. According to Fox News, the former National Security Advisor requested to unmask the names of Trump officials who had been ensnared in surveillance operations.