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Results for "Democrats"

LN Radio 9/8/19 – Democrats: The End is Nigh

LN Radio 9/8/19 – Democrats: The End is Nigh

We cull through the worst of  the seven straight hours Democratic presidential candidates spent on CNN trying to scare the American people to death with climate catastrophe (upgraded from global warming, climate change and climate crisis). Plus, Andrew McCarthy on his seminal book, Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency, Mark Angelides of LibertyNation.com on the latest twists and turns in the seemingly endless road to Brexit, and LN’s Scott Cosenza on San Francisco declaring the NRA a domestic terrorist organization.

LN Radio 8/4/19: Are Democrats Ready for a Moderate Moment?

LN Radio 8/4/19: Are Democrats Ready for a Moderate Moment?

After 20 Democrats debate for two nights amid sharp disagreement between the progressive majority and moderate minority, we’ll break things down on the winners and losers and state of the presidential race from a number of angles, including the front-and-center issue of race. We’re joined by LibertyNation.com Chief Political Correspondent Graham Noble. Plus, LN constitutional lawyer and Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza jumps on board for Talkin’Liberty.