Is this Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) jump the shark moment? She's had many close calls already but her latest...
LN Radio 2/2/20 – Democrats Finally Face the Voters
As the first contest in Iowa beckons, will election 2020 be a referendum on Trump, or the Democrats? With impeachment bombing out, just like the Mueller investigation and the entire three year-long parade of scurrilous allegations designed to remove President Trump from office and deny him a place on the 2020 ballot, Democrats will now begin to experience the tender mercies of actual voters. We’ll analyze how the Democrats’ latest failure on impeachment is likely to affect the election, and we’ll discuss the leading issue in virtually every presidential election, the economy, with Economics Correspondent Andrew Moran. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty.
Gunslingers for Liberty: Brexit Is Here – God Has Saved the Queen – 2.2.20
Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy, and politics? Stay current, keep up, and get out...
Trump Weekly Report: Just The Facts – 02.02.20
Editor’s Note: Everyone’s got an opinion, but who has the facts? At, we like to say, “Truth is...
Liberty Nation On The Go: Listen to Today’s Top News 02.02.20
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Gorsuch Lashes Out Over Needless Injunctions – LNTV – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Mark Angelides and Scott D. Cosenza discuss the court's decision to allow the public charge rule...
Laugh, Cry, Sigh: This Week In Memes – 2.1.20
No Delaying Acquittal: Senate Votes Against Witnesses
House impeachment managers and President Donald Trump’s counsel took to the Senate floor on Jan. 31 to make their...
Party Treason, Revenge, and Mitt Romney
He is slick. He appears presidential in his shiny lace-up shoes, gelled black hair with a touch of silver, and...