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Results for "ln poll"

LN Radio 8/30/20 – Have Trump and the GOP Turned the Election?

LN Radio 8/30/20 – Have Trump and the GOP Turned the Election?

President Trump and Republicans unleash a blistering assault on Joe Biden and the Democrats at their national convention, as they unveil everyday heroes, inspirational stories of triumph through despair, a full-throated defense of the American way of life, a vigorous defense of Trump’s record and no-holds-barred attacks on their opponents. LibertyNation.com Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer joins in the analysis of what they said and how it is likely to affect the campaign that gets under way in earnest right about now. Plus, we’ll examine the question of which candidate represents the greater risk to the average voter, and LibertyNation.com Editor-in-Chief Leesa K. Donner drills down on presidential polls, famously wrong four years ago, and whether we can trust them this time around. 

LN Radio 8/9/20 – Joe Biden Can Run, But Can He Hide?

LN Radio 8/9/20 – Joe Biden Can Run, But Can He Hide?

Joe Biden can run, but can he hide for the rest of the presidential campaign? With the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee holed up in his basement doing only the occasional friendly interview, we consider the question of when and how he needs to emerge, and we examine the state of the presidential race via polls and oddsmakers with LibertyNation.com Managing Editor Mark Angelides. Plus. The 1619 Project, once a radical vanity project of the NY Times, is now gaining frightening currency as radicals dominate the national conversation. LibertyNation.com International Correspondent Onar Am joins us to discuss what the 1619 Project is, and how it turns history on its head. And LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza details the attempt by the NY State Attorney General to kneecap the NRA.

LN Radio 7/19/20 – What If Black Lives Matter Gains Power?

LN Radio 7/19/20 – What If Black Lives Matter Gains Power?

Black Lives Matter has become far more than an organization or movement, metastasizing into a revolutionary uprising, with leftist politicians, media and academics turning a blind eye to – or even embracing – BLM’s self-professed Marxism. They’ve been succeeding beyond their wildest expectations, as President Trump’s poll numbers remain stalled. We bring you two competing scenarios with heavy hitters from LibertyNation.com: Editor in chief Leesa K. Donner with a surprisingly bold and defiant forecast on the election … and Managing Editor Mark Angelides with an apocalyptic view of what would happen if Black Lives Matter and their radical compatriots succeed in gaining real power, and the America we know falls. Plus LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza on the first federal executions in 17 years, more drama in the Jeffry Epstein affair, and what’s happening these days to people wearing MAGA hats.

LN Radio 7/12/20 – Civilization at Stake – Can Trump Close the Deal?

LN Radio 7/12/20 – Civilization at Stake – Can Trump Close the Deal?

As President Trump deals with the withering challenges of a stubborn virus that’s now infected some three million Americans and a de facto communist uprising in the streets – aided, abetted and validated by Trump-deranged elite media – the president fights back. But he’s down in the polls – will be embrace the role of underdog one more time, as he did in 2016? Plus, what to make of the breathless NY Times report about Russians offering or paying a bounty to kill US soldiers? We talk over the much-debated story with LibertyNation.com defense and foreign policy expert Dave Patterson. Plus, we’ll detail a most consequential week at the Supreme Court – big decisions on religious freedom, Trump taxes and robo calls – with LibertyNation.com Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza in talkin’ liberty.

LN Radio 7/5/20 – Black Lives Matter Unmasks Itself

LN Radio 7/5/20 – Black Lives Matter Unmasks Itself

Is America in the throes of a Marxist movement? If you listen to the people running Black Lives Matter, the answer is yes. We discuss the true intentions of the suddenly mainstream BLM in the words of their own founders, which leave little doubt about their philosophy or ultimate intentions. But despite the chaos which continues in the streets and the Democrats’ refusal to stop it, Joe Biden continues to hold a big lead over President Trump in the polls. LibertyNation.com Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer jumps on board to discuss whether those polls should concern the president, or are just illusory. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza analyzes a potentially game-changing Supreme Court decision upholding religious liberty.