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Results for "conspiracy"

Is Twitter Deleting Tweets About United Airlines?

Is Twitter Deleting Tweets About United Airlines?

Not that I find it fulfilling to pile more misery upon the friendly skies of United Airlines, but Twitterverse has made it impossible to stay mum. Tweeters nationwide claim their nasty jabs over “accommodate-gate” have been mysteriously deleted. How is that possible?

A Disturbing True Story About American Justice

A Disturbing True Story About American Justice

The courtroom is dusty and hot, filled with onlookers, reporters, and your family members. Sitting at the defense table, you rub your sweaty hands together, feeling out of place and afraid. You did something you believed was right, and now you are on trial. If you lose this battle, you will go to prison; what’s more, your case is being watched by many. You see, if you are found guilty, the floodgates will open and more who believe as you do can also be arrested, and tried just the same. The stakes are incredibly high, but at this moment all you can think about is your wife and children sitting behind you praying harder than they ever have.

Tina Fey And Her Public Speaking Failure

Tina Fey And Her Public Speaking Failure

From the moment Russian President Vladimir Putin elected Donald Trump to lead America, we have all been hoodwinked into believing that certain issues are important enough to cut into our drinking-time. What we are not focusing on, however, is a very sinister conspiracy about which every American should be gravely concerned. Let me preach on it.

If The Russians Had Tampered With The Election

If The Russians Had Tampered With The Election

Did the Russians conspire with the Trump campaign to prevent Hillary Clinton becoming president? Despite nothing more than some tepid, circumstantial evidence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is continuing to look into the accusations with – it appears – complete disregard for the most fundamental cornerstone of any investigation; motive.

The Clinton Russian Connection

The Clinton Russian Connection

Democrats may come to rue the day they began promoting the false narrative of collusion between Russia and the Trump election campaign team. As more dirt is removed from this particular swamp, fragments of another possible collusion are beginning to seep out slowly. In this one, the Clinton team may have worked with a group of computer researchers to fabricate the Trump-Russia connection and actually plant the trail of breadcrumbs that led to the Trump Tower door.

Look Out: Here Comes The Fed

Look Out: Here Comes The Fed

The Federal Reserve is about to kick off another round of “follow the leader” with other central banks across the planet. Long the scourge of many a libertarian, the Fed once again betrays the amount of immense influence it holds over global geopolitics. After announcing a rate hike (only the third in a decade), economists and experts are speculating that the Fed’s counterparts in other nations will soon be forced to follow suit, according to Reuters.

You Are Under Surveillance: Wikileaks Exposes the CIA

You Are Under Surveillance: Wikileaks Exposes the CIA

It turns out that complete government cyber surveillance isn’t a science fiction movie plot after all. Now it’s a verifiable fact, and people like former CIA agent Bill Binney are somewhere between screaming “I told you so!” and feeling the weight of this horrifying reality sink down deep onto their shoulders. YOU, Mr. and Ms. American, are under surveillance — even in your home.