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School District Cancels Class Field Trip To Protect Illegal Students

School District Cancels Class Field Trip To Protect Illegal Students

The beautiful city of Kent, Washington is situated in the heart of the Seattle-Tacoma Metroplex, surrounded by an economic engine supported by Boeing, R.E.I. and Oberto (exceptional sausage jerky), and fueled by an upper middle class of citizens who recycle everything fathomable, drive hybrids, and dream of saving humanity. What appears shiny and tempting on the outside is harboring a rotting core of leftist hypocrisy that has shattered the dreams and hard work ethic of a small group of high school students.

A President At Odds With Congress

A President At Odds With Congress

Trump’s greatest failing so far has been his unwillingness to bend congressional Republicans to his will. For the sake of a second term, he will need to find a way to out-maneuver both parties in Congress. He will need to become even more anti-government.

Has Fascism Come to America?

Has Fascism Come to America?

When President Donald Trump entered the political arena, large swaths of the left quickly labeled him as fascist and “literally Hitler.” Those sentiments have grown into the communist activist group Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascism.” Their view is that the threat of fascism to America is so overwhelming that it justifies the use of pre-emptive violence.

The Tax Man Changeth — Trump’s New Tax Plan For America

The Tax Man Changeth — Trump’s New Tax Plan For America

President Trump has finally revealed the framework of his tax reform plan, courtesy of a press conference delivered Wednesday afternoon by Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn and Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. They presented the tax proposal as the most significant piece of legislation since 1986.

Trump Tries Again With Healthcare

Trump Tries Again With Healthcare

While we may not have a real budget hawk in the White House, we at least have someone committed to preventing the deficit from growing. As he heads back into the legislative arena for round two on health care, the stakes are even higher than the previous fight. A second knockout would devastate Trump. Perhaps bargaining the health care plan against the promise of tax cuts is the winning combo for a victory against his old nemesis Senator Cruz.